They are not filling any new positions in the current dispatch centers. As people retire or find a new job they will not fill those positions in the posts. Everything else will be in the new Milwaukee center. Overnights the Eau Claire Post handles the Spooner and sometimes Wausau traffic because dispatchers are bailing.
Not sure why they would put all their eggs in one basket...I'd at least keep a northern center to split the traffic and have each other be backups.
All after the WSP spent millions of dollars upgrading all the dispatch centers in each region just a few short years ago. Your tax dollars at work. The latest warm fuzzy is to dispatch the entire state out of Milwaukee, leaving those recently updated dispatch centers vacant. You will now hear dispatchers with no actual regional knowledge of roads, Troopers, closest tow truck companies, etc., handling radio traffic. Regional dispatchers at least became used to common terminology unique to the region, individual officer patterns, regional services, and the like. It will take someone getting hurt, or a big screw up, and presto, regional dispatch will suddenly reappear. If someone really wants to dig into a story, look into the high turnover of dispatchers in the Milwaukee dispatch center, and why some of the people were terminated. Prime time soap opera stuff.