In a rental right now, getting new well, etc., installed at the homestead. A couple of 60' towers to hang wires and such from are in the works.
5th ward creeps? Sounds like you've been through that side of town.
I have no idea what the cb scene is like now in Houston, but in the 80s & 90s, AM was pretty well separated onto 4 channels in town. 6 and 13 were the black guys, 7 and 14 were the white guys. No one messed with them, they only messed with each other, and lead was known to move at high velocities occasionally. I knew a guy that would agitate the ch.7 Northside guys by playing the entire Thick as a Brick album. He got shot at from an overpass... stupid games win stupid prizes.
Ch. 19 was flat-out bizarre in Houston back then. A guy that would do nothing but randomly yell, "SPRING", a guy that did nothing but whisper, "don't wake the baby". One of the ch. 7 regulars that went by LR would occasionally get hammered and play Spike Jones' "In the Führer's Face" on 19. The KKK office in Pasadena playing a recruiting spiel on a loop. Literally dozens of others, along with plenty of drivers that just liked to scream.
Up north, along the Harris-Mongomery county line, there were a couple of dozen guys that started hanging out on sideband with me and a friend after they'd upgraded their radios. SSB and some juice is nice in the Big Thicket and Piney Woods region. My buddy had a 2510 and a custom 1500w amp. I wound up with a 2950 and a Messenger M4-V. A nifty antenna trick a guy showed me had people accusing me of running 3-4 kw! Heckuva mobile DX rig. Worked Australia and Hawaii several times.
Also had a weird DX experience back then, weird propagation but nice guys. One night I was spinning the dial and found two guys on 27.525. I popped in, and they were across the KY/TN line from each other on beams. We talked all night long, til they faded out at daybreak. The weird thing was that we had that groundwave condition nightly for over a year and a half. It even worked here in Dallas when I'd come to visit. Then one night, nothing. It was a really cool situation while it lasted.
I'll rustle up some local folks eventually. Consistency is the key. Throwing out a "Good Morning" at the same time every day will eventually get someone talking (at least to tell me to shut up).