• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Wouxon Radios From Japan!

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Silent Key
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Wouxun US

I used the wrong address in my last post you want to click on


You can e-mail Ed and find out I think he is in North Carolina but can get you a radio shipped in a few days from the US.

I don't work for him or Wouxun, I just bought mine from him in Dayton.

For around the same price? I would curious how many minutes that guy might live from Dundee or Cabella's ! :D


Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Both of mine work great! Sold mu Icom 440 HT and will be selling my 2 meter one. I have both the 2m/440 and the 2m/220 one... Heck at these prices, you can't go wrong! I personally know two other hams with them.. and talk to them constantly. One is an engineer who put them on his service monitor and gave them VERY good ratings.

They are not designed for amateur use, so there is a learning curve involved. However, we are all smart folks and can figure it out. The rados are flexible, and the programming software and cable makes it so much easier.


Jun 11, 2010
Wow Ed is quick to reply! I sent a few questions and got a few answers, actual 4-5 emails back and forth. I will be placing my order this week. He is very competitively priced to the likes of the Hong Kong resellers on Ebay. I need to buy before he raises the price! LOL


Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Ed does reply fast! I had made inquiries, placed an order, was invoiced, and paid quickly... whole thing would have only taken 3 hours or so; but I had to work. Received it in 2 days.

Can't beat his service. I'll do all my business with him from now on.


Sep 15, 2008
Small correction, the connector is NOT reverse SMA, it's a standard SMA, only the MALE end is on the radio. In fact, I found this to be a good thing because I could take off the crappy factory antenna and use one of my high quality Motorola VHF antennas from one of my Jedi or XTS series radios. Same goes for the UHF splits.

This is wrong, it's not a normal SMA connector. It is one Motorola uses though.

If you want to use BNC, you have to get a SMA-Female to BNC-Female adapter.


Jul 10, 2006
Mont Vernon, NH

This is wrong, it's not a normal SMA connector. It is one Motorola uses though.

I find the whole question of how to specify an SMA connector is enough to drive an ordinary person insane. The problem is that there are multiple variants of the connector, and there are TWO parts that can be male and female: The signal pin and hole, and the threads and grooves for the receptacle. Add to this the problem that the threads and grooves can be "normal" or "reverse"...

Compound this with the problem that (if you search Google images) you'll see several mis-labeled examples. The way I learned it, it's the signal pin that determines whether the connector is male or female.

Sorry for the rant... the radio obviously has "the same antenna that Motorola radios use" (female SMA with male standard threads). I now return you to the topic at hand.



May 27, 2010
So far a great inexpensive dual bander, I've had mine for a week and so far so good.
I just ordered up a sma to bnc adapter and I will be trying to work the satellites with it as you can do split bands, my guess is it will work just as well as my VX-8DR for Sat work.


Jun 11, 2010
Very cool stuff. I always had this strange impression of HAM's, suddenly I realize you are all just geeks like me. :)


Jun 11, 2010
The Puxing PX-888 is not FCC approved yet for UHF, but the Wouxun is...The 888 specs read: Single DTMF/2 tone/MSK ANI encodes and decode programmable.

Can the Wouxun radio do this? Either way I am diggin the flashlight LOL I could seriously put that bad boy to use. I miss my little LED keychain that broke. Leave it to the Chinese! :)


Jun 11, 2010
Actually there are quite a few specs I don't understand (I don't know much about radios yet and am trying to learn. Perhaps I can list the specs and those of you who know about these features could define them or explain what they are used for?

Main Features
Dual Standby - What is this?
VHF&UHF, UHF&UHF or VHF&VHF working modes - What is this?
Low-voltage voice prompt - What is this?
Busy Channel Lockout - What is this?
Transmit Over Timer - What is this?
Step&#65288;5K/6.25K/10K/12.5K/25K/50K /100K&#65289; What is this?
Multiple scan modes - What is this?

Dual band in theory would allow me to RX on two channels (it basically means there are two tuners inside correct?), so while speaking on a GMRS channel to my brother the second frequency (for work) I could hear my employees' conversation right?

Being dual band, again in theory, I could transmit while I receive so a radio such as this could in effect be a little 5w repeater? I think this is really relative to the above question. I guess I am trying to ask if a radio such as this (or any other radio) can simultaneously transmit what it receives or retransmit in real-time?

Side Key programmability...Is it possible to program a side key or soft key to transmit on a seperate frequency than the main PTT button?

Reply to last transmission... If my priority channel on the main PTT button is used on my work frequency and suddenly my brother on our GMRS channel keys up and asks me a question can I reply to him or do I have manually go in and change the channel?

Will this radio allow you dial frequency/channel by name using keypad? For example if all my employees have a secondary channel with unique DCS codes could I simply select the channel I wanna talk on using the keypad by alphabetical name (of course pending I have named each frequency)?

Can these radios be programmed to not allow field programmability?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2005
Medford, NJ
I'll do my best after a few month with one of these.

Not sure what the dual standby is.
VHF&UHF, UHF&UHF or VHF&VHF working modes is how you can program a channel. You can have the transmit and receive for a single channel configured in any way with any split basically.
Low-voltage voice prompt is self explanitory really, the radio talks to you and tells you the battery is low. I keep that function off so I don't know if it works and don't care. It has a battery indicator on the display that works just fine.
Busy Channel Lockout is just like the lockout on a scanner basically except when you stop and start scan you will hvae to lock the channel out again.
Transmit Over Timer is a timer that will cut off your transmission after a predetermined amount of time you can enter thru the menu.
Step is the Frequency step size when scrolling thru in vfo mode or entering frequencies, changable by channel.
Multiple scan modes, the radio will scan all channels or priority channels only. I beleive it also has carrier scan and timer scan , you would normally set that to carrier scan.

The radio has only one receiver so it will only receive on one channel at a time. It will not transmit and receive at the same time, your either transmitting or receiving. When its parked on two channels one on each display it just scans them both.

The only options for the programmable side key is: FM Radio band, scan, lamp, SOS channel. Thats it.

For reply to transmissions, during scan if you press ptt it will stop scanning and start transmitting on what ever channel it landed on. If it stops on a channel and ptt is pressed it will transmit on that channel. If you have two channels on the display not scanning you use the A/B button to switch between the two to determine which on is active for transmitting.

You can alpha tag your channels and display them as frequency or by the alpha tag. There is also an option I think it supposed to toggle the display between the two but it doesn't work on mine. It one or the other.

I think you can do this as mine seems to be this way. I can only get it to take programming thru the software.

The radio definetly has its quirks like when scanning with the backlight on it stays lit while scanning then shuts off when it stops on a channel. But it does have one hot little receiver in it or has an excellent antenna. I sit it next to my BCD396T monitoring traffic on a repeater about 25 miles away and the uniden hears nothing while the wouxun hears the repeater with no trouble.

IMO its well worth the $100 bucks or so you can get one for now. Perhaps they've fixed some of the quirks in the newer radios. I bought mine last December from a wacky china man.


Jun 11, 2010
*&HY@!!!! So by dual band it simply means VHF+UHF? I totally don't need dual band!!!!! Damn I just ordered one of those things!

You only bring a few more questions up and I am then done... :)

VHF&UHF, UHF&UHF or VHF&VHF working modes is how you can program a channel. You can have the transmit and receive for a single channel configured in any way with any split basically.
So I a "channel" is not limited to a frequency then? A single "channel" will have a TX frequency + CTCSS and could also have a completely different frequency and CTCSS for RX?

Busy Channel Lockout is just like the lockout on a scanner basically except when you stop and start scan you will hvae to lock the channel out again.
Can you be more detailed as to Busy Channel? I don't know what it does on a scanner either, sorry man I am brand spanking new to these invisible waves.
Transmit Over Timer is a timer that will cut off your transmission after a predetermined amount of time you can enter thru the menu.
Would that be for automated stuff like a data transmission? I don't see why any boss would ever want to cut an employee off to their dispatcher.
Step is the Frequency step size when scrolling thru in vfo mode or entering frequencies, changable by channel.
Could you explain this too, I don't even know what vfo mode means.
Multiple scan modes, the radio will scan all channels or priority channels only. I beleive it also has carrier scan and timer scan , you would normally set that to carrier scan.
How is carrier scan defined?

Is the SOS channel something I program? So I could program my favorite GMRS Channel in as the SOS giving me the 'transmit on alternate frequency option i am looking for?

For reply to transmissions, during scan if you press ptt it will stop scanning and start transmitting on what ever channel it landed on.
That sounds scary, I will make sure I never have any police stations programmed in to scan on!

Don't get me wrong I am grateful for the education. I can't understand Chinese manuals so well.
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