Convert WSP P25 radio systems from Zone 2 of the shared Federal Integrated Wireless Network (IWN) trunked radio system to a standalone P25 trunked radio system and Install a new radio manager software.
• The Radio Manager central upgrade effort had significant design changes introduced in April. These issues compromise scope and schedule because, as presented by FBI, result in significant degradation of talk group functionality in the statewide system; this is untenable for WSP and the statewide radio system.
• The Radio Manager code plug is interwoven with the Radio Manager software. The regression testing in March and April is substantially completed but there may be additional changes based on the results of the talk group issue.
• A second significant issue is the new FBI restriction disallowing Over the Air Programming (OTAP) as mechanism for remote upgrades. The project team is evaluating impact and possible workarounds.
• The FBI and Motorola have revealed that alias information (badge numbers) will not be transmitted across the ISSI interconnect between the systems. This restriction of the technology/policy by the FBI will add an additional layer of complexity to the communications management processes used to identify and communicate with troopers.
• WSP has been using the Consolettes as a functionality bridge where IWN is not directly available. In April, FBI announced their requirement to approve all consolettes and their hesitation to allow them as a long-term solution.
Move the system core from WSP’s Union Gap location to the State Quincy data center
The Hardware and cabling is in place. In May - June is the actual plugging in, powering on, and the start of testing.
Upgrade the voice recording system
This upgrade is on hold pending the project replanning efforts.
This was very informative, thank you.