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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XPR XPR 8400 satellite receiver having reception problems

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Dec 23, 2010
Maybe this link will help


Sep 29, 2011
If the backhaul is layer2 doesn’t the repeater/voter addressing need to be in the same subnet? Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to communicate. We run voters/repeaters in a layer2 network and they are all in the same subnet. If it’s been running ok up until recently, what about interference? Maybe try setting the RSSI Threshold on the channel to -40 dBm for testing. Use RDAC to see what the noise floor is. If you can afford the system downtime, hook up an analog radio and listen for any rouge transmitters.


Dec 23, 2010
This system has been functioning well over the last 4 to 5 years, but here in the last month or so the remote receiver seems to be having a reception issue. if I program the satellite receiver in regular repeater mode it receives well but if I set it back to receiver mode it seems to have a problem seeing a radio key up. I have also switched it to another antenna from another repeater that is setup in the area and nothing changes.

Thassler got me thinking a re read your post.

Interesting, How are you testing that it is not receiving well?? Service monitor?? RDAC?? Looking at panel LED's??

The.. works fine in repeat but fails in recev only, leaves me perplexed!!

Can you provide more detailed information on this, forget IP subneting for a second.

Not sure if it is possible, but can you swap the repeaters and swap programing to see if the problem still exists at the receive site or if the problem moves? Depending on the results would possible help narrow down the issue. Hopefully you have EID for voting on both.
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Dec 19, 2002
I have set the repeaters up as they were originally setup and set up a remote receiver in the same room as the voter repeater and connected the two thru an Ethernet switch. I then removed the antenna connection from the main repeater receive side and connected an antenna to the receive side of the remote receiver. when I keyed up the radio I did have an acknowledgement tones from the radio that it connected and the remove receiver did receive (by the indicator leds) but I had no audio output from the voter main repeater, carrier only. I had the same result when I connected the 2 with a crossover cable. Im kind of at a loss of what is happening and how to correct the issue. I however cannot replace the voter repeater as I do not have another repeater with the option purchased for it. I am having a hard time selling the idea of purchasing ($1438 MOL) the option just to test it.


Dec 19, 2002
the main repeater is radio ID 1 and the Satellite receiver is radio ID 11 and has a peer ID of 1. ty
Apr 30, 2008
Pittsboro IN
I then removed the antenna connection from the main repeater receive side and connected an antenna to the receive side of the remote receiver.
Did you put a dummy load on the RX port to make sure you weren't getting RF into the main repeater?

Can the repeater see enough signal to break squelch / indicate COR but not pass RX audio? My ex business partner had this issue with an MTR3000 in a voting system (the rest were Icoms), drove him nuts trying to figure it out. He happened to be on site when a unit TXed and he
saw the MTR got voted but was not passing audio, it was a programming 'feature'.


Dec 19, 2002
yes placed a dummy load on the RX port. got at least 1/2 mile from it and keyed it up and I had the carrier only no audio. RSSI threshold is set at -90.


Dec 19, 2002
Finally figured it out. turns out the master repeater voting is not functioning properly. it is keeping the satellite receiver from receiving the radio traffic and if it did receive the radio RX then it would not always send the audio thru to the main repeater. sometimes it would work but most of the time it would not. swapped it out with another voting repeater and the issue cleared up. going to send the repeater to Motorola to have it serviced.
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