You have to be careful when buying radios on that site. A guy I know on this board has copywrited the saying “buy the seller, not the radio”. This means does the seller in the radio community have great feedback. The guy with the saying has EXCELLENT creds buy the way, & I wouldn’t hesitate to buy anything from him. But the radios shown in the post above have been recased in Chinese cases, where quality can vary from great, to trash. If you read his ads carefully, & pay attention to the photo’s you’ll see many radios not only had the FC’s updated, but their full display/keypad radios didn’t start life that way. Were these radios auto tuned after the major surgery? OTOH, there are sellers who reliably, & carefully “upgrade”, & auto tune a radio, & still have the factory cases which are 100% reliable. We, as prospective buyers need to learn who can be trusted to deliver a product that will work reliably as a hobby radio, and who has poor, or zero feedback. None of these radios should be used in any form of public service.