Just a little niggle (I said niggle
) with scanning.
I have the two "VFO"'s set up with two seperate memory banks, both scanning at the same time. I have noticed the two interacting with each other occasionally if I happen to be on one frequency (344MHz ish).
I also notice that if it changes from AM to FM, or hits a certain memory on the "Right" side, if there's a transmission on the left, there's an audible "thump" noise. Minor problem considering it's essentially two scanners in one, albeit slow.
Anyone else use an FT-8800 for general scanning? I've been running it on mil-air recently, which it seems to do "OK" at, even if I do have to manually set AM for each channel (unless I use software). Can't really comment on overall sensitivity on mil-air, but it seems to be good enough for my purposes.
All I have to do now is work out if I can get my VR-500 programming lead to work with it - its the RT Systems lead, so I assume its just an RS232 level converter.
I have the two "VFO"'s set up with two seperate memory banks, both scanning at the same time. I have noticed the two interacting with each other occasionally if I happen to be on one frequency (344MHz ish).
I also notice that if it changes from AM to FM, or hits a certain memory on the "Right" side, if there's a transmission on the left, there's an audible "thump" noise. Minor problem considering it's essentially two scanners in one, albeit slow.
Anyone else use an FT-8800 for general scanning? I've been running it on mil-air recently, which it seems to do "OK" at, even if I do have to manually set AM for each channel (unless I use software). Can't really comment on overall sensitivity on mil-air, but it seems to be good enough for my purposes.
All I have to do now is work out if I can get my VR-500 programming lead to work with it - its the RT Systems lead, so I assume its just an RS232 level converter.