Yaesu FT60R won't go into Memory Mode nor VFO mode...

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Apr 4, 2007

I'm fairly new with the FT60 but up until now I've had no problems. This one is driving me batty.

I was trying to scan just one memory bank, and now it's stuck permanently in that mode. I've tried about everything except a factory restore, but it just will not go back into any sort of usable state.

The manual describes how to do a memory bank scan but has NO info on how to get back out of it once you're in. It seems that there's no way out!

I found plenty of quick references, etc., but all instructions for all things start from either memory or VFO mode, but I can't get to either. Pressing or holding the V/M doesn't do its normal thing. From various web sites I find that supposedly the PTT button bails one out of band scanning mode, but I just get the word "error" when I press PTT. I think I've tried pressing and/or holding every possible key... at one point I got to a place where I could select Band: NONE but that didn't disable it either.

If I press V/M it shows some frequency that's particularly unfamiliar. If I hold down V/M it shows the word "BAND" then starts scanning all frequences with the letters "PSC" displayed, and none of the frequencies are anything I've ever put into a bank.

Like I said, I am new with this device, but there just seems to be no way out of this mode... my choice now seems to be either a full factory restore and start over from scratch, or take this thing back for a refund or something (the latter is appealing because there's no 2M or 70cM traffic in my city anyway)... but before I do... any other ideas?

PS- sometimes I see the word MBLSCN appear and vanish as I try various random things... and the PSC no longer shows...
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Apr 4, 2007
I finally resorted to a factory reset of everything, and I once again have a usable radio at least.

It does bother me that memory bank scanning is unusable (or more correctly, unstoppable!) and I will certainly stop recommending this particular HT.


Apr 4, 2007
I likely made a mistake, but any mistake that one could make would at least have SOME way to back out of it. And any messages presented in the display should at least be mentioned in the manual.

The screen messages PSC and MBLSCN do not even appear anywhere in the manual (I did a case insensitive search of the whole .pdf) nor could I find any mention of these in any searches using google.

Also, as I mentioned before, the manual offers NO way to get out of band scanning once you are in it (turning it off and back on does not help).

It would be really nice if there was some sort of "escape" or "cancel" for when you KNOW you've just pushed a wrong button etc. rather than having to turn the thing off and back on with any/every wrong keypress. I guess at this point I'm just getting whiny. My first impression of the manual was that it was well done, and in this case it didn't help a bit.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 9, 2008
Flin Flon Manitoba Canada
Check Page 33 in operater manual

Page 33 of manual How to exit memory bank mode . Read how to enter memory bank. there are 5 steps instep 4 toget out of memory bank mode you do the opposit of entering it. what ever bank you are in you can exit bank mode .but you have to change the bank mode to the __no bank___ setting.then tap v/m(pri) button. This sould take you to regular memory mode. Hope this helps.


Apr 4, 2007
Rusty15: thanks for the nice reply; I really do appreciate it. I will work my way back through that exact part.

I'm at work now, and will be vacationing until next week, so it will be at least a few days before I can give a detailed reply. I'm taking the device and manual with me and will give it some uninterrupted attention then. Thanks again for responding. I'll report back in detail once I've figured out where I went wrong etc.


Apr 4, 2007
Part of what's been confusing is that there are four levels of keypress:

Press Momentarily
Press for One Second
Press and Hold.

I thought "Press Momentarily" meant to press it longer than to merely "press" but apparently the Press Momentarily is like a really quick tap and not as long as a mere "press" or a one second press. I'm surprised I had no problem anywhere else but apparently here the press duration matters.


Apr 18, 2012
They are great radios, but they do take some time to learn to use correctly. I spent quite a few hours, the FT-60 was my first radio, new ham, no elmer, so I had to figure it on my own.
I also reset mine a couple of times along the way.

Now I have learned the radio and find it to be fantastic, built like a tank, no worries if you drop it of it gets knocked around a little and the features are great.

For the price range, I would not buy another. If you have an experienced ham, he or she can really speed up the learning curve. All these menu driven radios take time to learn, it does not matter who makes it.

Best of luck, John KF7VXA
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