Hello everyone.
My sincerest thanks to everyone here at Radio References (RR) for the advice and guidance regarding my thoughts of buying a SDS100.
For now, I am going to hold off.
I don’t “need” it; I am not a hobbyist, nor do I need it for my job. My goal was and still is to listen to the community Police, Fire and Public Services and the State Police is good to have during a major incident.
The cost, plus purchasing a Windows PC and other odds and ends. Seven hundred dollars +/- is a lot of money; too much to have any questions of robustness and ease of use, too much for me to have doubts.
As an Apple user, I am used to being ***** slapped by excessive costs; however, I beat the crap out of my phone, tablets and laptop; no worries, excellent customer service.
By the way, I am not an Apple fan boy… my experience with computers began with Apple machines and I stuck with it.
Learning curve. Believe it or not, I’m actually very good at some specialized skill-sets, but current radio and communications technology is not one of them. (The tech-guy gives me a radio pre-set and ready to go; I push a button and talk… as little as possible!)
It is a contentious topic. Whether here at RR, other Scanner Radio Forums, YouTube; it is very common to hear and read that the SDS100 is the best product on the market, quickly followed by the mention quality control issues and complexity.
The product has been out for a couple of years; any glitches with the radio should be squared away by now. I get the impression they are not and I do not have the experience to sort through all of it.
I assure you this is not a rant; it is an observation.
So. I have purchased a basic scanner and will listen to local PD, FD and for now, leave it at that.
The folks at Scanner Master informed me that a Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP would work for me.
After the holiday’s I’ll give further thought to this matter. Who knows!
I have been treated with courtesy, my questions politely answered and I really appreciate that. Again, thank you.
Have a joyous holiday season, Merry Christmas.
Take care,