Yuppie 911: Rescuers fear tracking technology could lead to avalanche of aid to unpre

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Apr 11, 2008
This is just as bad as the yuppies in Logan Square who call 911 everytime they see a black person walk through the neighborhood while they're out walking their little, expensive dog or the older yuppie lady on Logan Blvd. between Western Ave and California Ave, who calls 911 every halloween and contests with the police that children parading around the neighborhood wearing costumes scares her and thus constitutes disorderly conduct. Every year she's arrested for making a false notification to authorities because she makes up a serious offense in progress each time so she can get a fast response. This lady happens to be a retired M.D. specializing in...get this...ready?......Psychiatry!


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Sounds familiar, not a day goes by without my hearing a string of idiot police calls. "Call the cops, that man over there farted, call the cops CALL THE COPS!"

Er, the word yuppie evolved from YUP, Young Upwardly (mobile) Professional, so what the heck is an older yuppie? Apparently this old (female dog) doesn't like yuppie puppies.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
It sounds like they are taking your own advice.

This is just as bad as the yuppies in Logan Square who call 911 everytime they see a black person walk through the neighborhood while they're out walking their little, expensive dog or the older yuppie lady on Logan Blvd. between Western Ave and California Ave, who calls 911 every halloween and contests with the police that children parading around the neighborhood wearing costumes scares her and thus constitutes disorderly conduct. Every year she's arrested for making a false notification to authorities because she makes up a serious offense in progress each time so she can get a fast response. This lady happens to be a retired M.D. specializing in...get this...ready?......Psychiatry!


The police SHOULD be able to STOP, Investigate, and even detain everyone and I mean EVERYONE in ghetto areas because the above poster is absolutely correct! Unless you're selling or buying / using, you don't belong there and those who are using, buying, etc. need to be locked up. If it were up to me, I'd institute a law that each and every citizen get mandatory drug testing once a week. If anyone is found with a street drug in their system, it's right off to jail!

Rocksteady...what I'm getting at is a way for the police to eliminate suspects. Those who keep coming up clean on a consistent basis are then put in a separate database after say, 90 days or something like that as an "innocent local community member".


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Oh so many thoughts here:...

1. We tend to value the "quantity" of life over the "quality" of life.

2. This is why so many government agencies are going broke and/or we have such high tax rates.

3. Some things we used to be able to do are now illegal, why because of bozos like this. For example when a storm came through, roads were left open and only people with real driving skills would attempt them. Now everyone with an SUV thinks they can drive - and since they can't - the CHP just closes the roads so they don't have to deal with so many problems.

4. Another outcome is that we have to pay for "licenses" for certain devices because so many people are CLUELESS. I see this issue could go that way - if you want to buy an emergency locator you have to pay a fee and license it.

5. They really need to charge people (or put them in jail) that use such locators and their lives are not in danger of death or dismemberment.

6. This has ruined going into the back country for many of us. It used to be that we could expect to only meet up with other capable, knowlegable people. Now you've got all these idiots out there and they present a danger to all.


Feb 24, 2001

Amen Mancow,

When you talk so much gibberish (like some folks do) after a while you forget what you said in the first place and contradict yourself every time you open your mouth.

Some people just don't know when to shut up and stop making themselves look like a blithering idiot but insist on acting like a expert on every subject.

All the education you can get from books doesn't sometimes compare to someones common sense.
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