Eldorado Arkansas 71730 monitering


Jun 18, 2024
I am decently new to this.
I am trying to scan/moniter my local PD/Sherrif office transmissions im not sure what I need I was wondering if I could moniter the PD and the SO with just a Motorola XPR 6550 DMR VHF radio or what do I need to do please help me.
2nd part how can I moniter Troop F arkansas state police radios.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Union County: Union County, Arkansas (AR) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Sheriff is VHF DMR according to the db here. So you should be able to monitor them...just make sure it's receive only

ASP is on the statewide AWIN system...you need a scanner for that. The system shows a talkgroup for the Union Co Sheriff Dept as well. I suggest the Uniden SDS100 or SDS200 models, though you may be able to get by with a cheaper model.


Jun 18, 2024
Union County: Union County, Arkansas (AR) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Sheriff is VHF DMR according to the db here. So you should be able to monitor them...just make sure it's receive only

ASP is on the statewide AWIN system...you need a scanner for that. The system shows a talkgroup for the Union Co Sheriff Dept as well. I suggest the Uniden SDS100 or SDS200 models, though you may be able to get by with a cheaper model.
So, is there a radio that can do arkansas state police and my local PD and SO


Jun 18, 2024
You need a scanner.
Interesting and is there any that I can find that's not outrageous in price I cannot afford the ones I am seeing could you recommend one that is cheaper but yet still work for what I want it to.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Interesting and is there any that I can find that's not outrageous in price I cannot afford the ones I am seeing could you recommend one that is cheaper but yet still work for what I want it to.

Any on this page will work.[ Link: Digital P25 Phase II Scanners ] You don't have to buy from ScannerMaster, I'm just using their page as a reference. You can check the classifieds section here on RadioReference, too, for pre-owned models.

If $600-650 is too much for a scanner (I understand!), you don't want to know the price of a radio that works on the AWIN system (which technically you aren't supposed to have unless authorized to be on the system and, therefore, usually would be provided by the department or agency).

EDIT: Added the link I forgot...


Jun 18, 2024
Any on this page will work.[ Link: Digital P25 Phase II Scanners ] You don't have to buy from ScannerMaster, I'm just using their page as a reference. You can check the classifieds section here on RadioReference, too, for pre-owned models.

If $600-650 is too much for a scanner (I understand!), you don't want to know the price of a radio that works on the AWIN system (which technically you aren't supposed to have unless authorized to be on the system and, therefore, usually would be provided by the department or agency).

EDIT: Added the link I forgot...
Ah, okay so none of those will pick up Arkansas state police Troop F? Also, if I want to purchase one of them is it required to be programmed or as ive watched videos you just type in the zip code.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Ah, okay so none of those will pick up Arkansas state police Troop F? Also, if I want to purchase one of them is it required to be programmed or as ive watched videos you just type in the zip code.

I'm not sure what you're referring to with "so none of those will pick up Arkansas state police Troop F". The scanners I linked to are all able to receive the AWIN system and ASP Troop F (and any troop...and other state and local agencies, if on AWIN). Any of those, except the 885 (CB combo unit) are fine in my opinion. The more you pay, the better the scanner. For the Uniden models, to receive the DMR frequencies (Union Co SO, etc) you would need to purchase the DMR upgrade for the scanner.

Many of those Unidens you can just enter a zip code, select what service types you want to monitor, and it'll be good to go. Advisable to update the database via the free Sentinel software but, yeah.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 1, 2016
NE Louisiana
Slightly biased with SDS100/200 which both have zipcode databases, dmr capable (upgrade required as stated), and are solid units.

Often monitor ASP on the AWIN Huttig Tower (which is still Phase 1 for now). Troop F is active. I would assume being local you could pick up more sites and thus more talkgroups; however the southeast portion of the state is primarily DMR for local agencies. You'll see Union or Ashley SO's login but never speak as both are heavy on the DMR (and Ashley is ENC). I can't reach Union VHF digital from here otherwise I'd know more.

For one radio to capture all of that plus future upgrades (Phase 2 and others), wouldn't recommend anything less. Unless maybe a 325P2 with a dmr upgrade since there's no simulcast nearby.


Jun 18, 2024
I'm not sure what you're referring to with "so none of those will pick up Arkansas state police Troop F". The scanners I linked to are all able to receive the AWIN system and ASP Troop F (and any troop...and other state and local agencies, if on AWIN). Any of those, except the 885 (CB combo unit) are fine in my opinion. The more you pay, the better the scanner. For the Uniden models, to receive the DMR frequencies (Union Co SO, etc) you would need to purchase the DMR upgrade for the scanner.

Many of those Unidens you can just enter a zip code, select what service types you want to monitor, and it'll be good to go. Advisable to update the database via the free Sentinel software but, yeah.
Are there any other scanners that arent uniden that can access your location and search the frequencys


Feed Provider
Sep 6, 2006
Texarkana, Arkansas
Slightly biased with SDS100/200 which both have zipcode databases, dmr capable (upgrade required as stated), and are solid units.

Often monitor ASP on the AWIN Huttig Tower (which is still Phase 1 for now). Troop F is active. I would assume being local you could pick up more sites and thus more talkgroups; however the southeast portion of the state is primarily DMR for local agencies. You'll see Union or Ashley SO's login but never speak as both are heavy on the DMR (and Ashley is ENC). I can't reach Union VHF digital from here otherwise I'd know more.

For one radio to capture all of that plus future upgrades (Phase 2 and others), wouldn't recommend anything less. Unless maybe a 325P2 with a dmr upgrade since there's no simulcast nearby.
Do what? The repeater is on the Huttig water tower 155.0775


Jun 18, 2024
Also, UCSO uses RAS, so picking up a DMR handheld will do you no good.
Unsure what a RA is im probably going to be purchasing Uniden Bearcat BCD996P2

I'm not sure what you're referring to with "so none of those will pick up Arkansas state police Troop F". The scanners I linked to are all able to receive the AWIN system and ASP Troop F (and any troop...and other state and local agencies, if on AWIN). Any of those, except the 885 (CB combo unit) are fine in my opinion. The more you pay, the better the scanner. For the Uniden models, to receive the DMR frequencies (Union Co SO, etc) you would need to purchase the DMR upgrade for the scanner.

Many of those Unidens you can just enter a zip code, select what service types you want to monitor, and it'll be good to go. Advisable to update the database via the free Sentinel software but, yeah.
This is the one im thinking of would this be perfect for what I want it for
Uniden Bearcat BCD996P2


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Also, UCSO uses RAS, so picking up a DMR handheld will do you no good.

Hadn't caught that. But, yeah, sounded like scanner was the way to go anyway based on perception of user knowledge. Scanner = easier and no chance of illegal transmissions.


Jun 18, 2024
Hadn't caught that. But, yeah, sounded like scanner was the way to go anyway based on perception of user knowledge. Scanner = easier and no chance of illegal transmissions.
So, would a Uniden Bearcat BCD996P2 work fine for my needs or is it outdated for my needs.

Also, would the scanner find the state police troop f or would I have to program that somehow


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
So, would a Uniden Bearcat BCD996P2 work fine for my needs or is it outdated for my needs.

Also, would the scanner find the state police troop f or would I have to program that somehow

The 996P2 will work as far as receiving ASP Troop F, yes.

You can purchase the 'upgrade' to be able to receive/decode DMR traffic with the 996P2.

Here is an overview video of the scanner (and it's handheld sibling):


Jun 18, 2024
The 996P2 will work as far as receiving ASP Troop F, yes.

You can purchase the 'upgrade' to be able to receive/decode DMR traffic with the 996P2.

Here is an overview video of the scanner (and it's handheld sibling):
Why would I need to upgrade it.
Also, besides troop f would it work for my local pd and SO sorry I have so many questions