I am planning to order the Motorola cp 200d.
For this will I be needing license frequencies since it’s business radios?
Thanks again
However, there's a number of steps involved. Buying the radios should be one of the last.
For licensing a frequency (or more than one), you have two options:
- You can use an itinerant frequency, which allows you to have a shared frequency with no guarantee against interference, and the option of a wider area of operation. That requires filing with the FCC. The forms that need to be submitted are not consumer friendly, and unless you've done it before, you'll need help. A reputable local radio shop would be able to help you with this and save you a lot of headaches.
- You can have a frequency coordinator find one or more frequencies that are not currently assigned in your immediate area and have some relief from interference. Frequency coordination will cost you a few hundred bucks, but again, well worth the cost. They will file the FCC paperwork for you, again, saving headaches.
Once that is all done, and you have the FCC license in hand, then you purchase radios. Never purchase radios first since you don't know where the frequency coordinator will put you.
While many will try to find less expensive ways of doing this, the process can be complicated and a good radio shop can provide a lot of useful assistance.