Thus far the only LIVE VIPER sites are all in iether WNC undergoing testing and getting ready to load up fully... CNC around Wake County, and along the magor interstate routes with at least one tower in each county being live and testing. Put all the freqs for your towers in and see if you find an active CC... If you do.. submit it to us and we will get to it in the DB asap. As far as Lo Band, youll have to be patient as they don't talk every single second of the day. Park an scanner on all your area's district freqs and you should catch at least some dispatch coms,.. posiibly some t/a on the dispatch freq, and if they are within 10 miles tops.. some car to dispatch coms...... And maybe even car to car coms.
On another note.. has anyone noted the UHF Vehicular Repeaters for ALE??? I am planning to listen this weekend and see if I can catch traffic on them since they are kinda busy here in WNC!