
  1. E

    Do APX radios have volume normalization/audio AGC?

    I have a Unication G5 that I use to monitor my local P25 system. It's a great radio, but my biggest complaint about using it is that different users have vastly different volume levels. At a given knob volume level, some users on some talkgroups will be so quiet they are almost unreadable, while...
  2. O

    AGC for digital broadcasts on DV1

    is there any way to normalize the volume for digital modes in DV1, something similar to what nap wistler trx-2 does, because some conversations are very loud and others are very quiet, which is a big discomfort during listening
  3. A

    BCD 436/536 Digital AGC

    Does this function work yet? I have tried using it to normalize loud and soft audio on simulcast P25 systems but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is there anyone out there that has gotten it to work? If so can you make a post on how you have yours setup. Thanks.
  4. R

    BCDx36 Wish: REAL AGC

    I sure miss having a working AGC. The volume varies from barely audible to blast-me-out-of-my-recliner. An external speaker might help, but shouldn't be necessary. With all the digital signal processing going on in the radio, an AGC that works should be a piece of cake. Anyone else?
  5. S

    HR-2510 no AM receive:

    Howdy, I've got a good functioning HR-2510 everything works except that I had the radio put away for some months and I recently hooked it up and noticed that the AM receive has no audio. It transmits AM fine and SSB and FM ok, just no AM receive audio. Is there a way to bleed off the capacitor...
  6. Bote

    Unambiguous AGC settings 996XT

    I have looked at the "Easier" manual and the official Uniden manual and found them identical and ambiguous. Searching here and the Yahoogroups turned up nothing more. I am just looking for an unambiguous statement on the AGC settings in the BCD996XT, for example: "Digital AGC response time of...