base station

  1. Diverdan86

    Patch/Jumper Cables

    Good morning! Question from a new(er) ham: I have a small radio room station setup in my shop and am discovering I need a dozen or so patch/jumper cables to run between all the equipment (meters, tuners, filters, switches, etc.) to make it all work. I have also discovered that I need the coax...
  2. Mountaineer304

    So after some sweet talk the wife gave me the go ahead on a new base!

    So thing is fellas I just bought a new Yaesu FTM-500 dr I’ve been using as a vhf/uhf base, I usually use a Ft5dr and a comet sbb5 in the vehicle. My question is I’ve narrowed it down to a yaesu ft 710 or a 991a now I know I already have a vhg/uhf dedicated base but is the 710 worth the upgrade...
  3. Mountaineer304

    Finally getting a quality DMR! But now I’m not sure of what model lol

    So conflicted idk whether to get an Anytone D878UVII Plus Ht or a Anytone 578UVlll plus mobile or an Alinco md-500t tbh.. It’s gonna be my first big dmr purchase… I use a yaesu ftm 500 for a base and a anytone 6666 for 10/11 in my shack.. I just cannot decide between a mobile or a ht.. Gonna...
  4. Mountaineer304

    Considering upgrading to general

    I've had my techs for 4-5 years but I wanna try some new frequencies,modes and dx.. My question is should I upgrade and add a hf rig to the shack or just go this new dmr way that seems everyone is going? Thanks KE8ODY
  5. B

    Looking for suggestions from experienced folks.

    Hello, I am interested in setting up a home garage CB radio base station in an outer ring suburb of Minneapolis. I currently have a Cobra 29 LTD and a firestik antenna. I can hear all kinds of skip but zero local traffic. After a bit of research I have found that a radio called the Anytone...
  6. ***SOLD*** ICOM IC-746 Pro with accessories

    ***SOLD*** ICOM IC-746 Pro with accessories

    ***SOLD*** I have for sale a great condition Icom IC-746 Pro HF/6m/2m transceiver with a bunch of accessories: Icom PS125 AC power supply Heil ICM desk mic with stand Custom made 6-foot extension cable for the mic with right-angle plug Heil FS-3 foot switch Heil trigger TX switch 2 spare desk...
  7. KI5FKE

    KI5FKE's First Base Station

    Hello! I hope everyone is doing well and is safe during this pandemic. On another lighter note, recently, I invested in my first base station. It's not one of the top brands, but I think it will serve the purpose. This was purchased as a kit from Buy Two Way Radios (Ham Radio Starter Kit -...
  8. L

    New to Radios - How to Begin

    Hello all, First let me say I am currently studying for my Technician's test. I hope to have passed the test by the end of the year. Having said that, I do have a question about getting started once I have my license. I currently have 2 BaoFeng UV-5R radios and want to use those specifically...
  9. wqwx352

    Can't Hear Base Station but Can Hear Me

    Hi all, I'm wondering if someone can explain how this can happen with my current setup. It doesn't make sense that the base station can hear me but I can't hear the base station with the same equipment and power on a hill. Base Station has a Browning BR-180 Dual Band Antenna 20ft High using...
  10. S

    Setting Up MC1000 Deskset Remotes

    So, recently the wiring for our station's MC1000's was botched. They now do not transmit. Does anyone have an installation guide or even a basic pinout of the wires for the remotes?
  11. Bruce42

    Who Makes Low Band Base Stations Now?

    Recently CODAN (Daniels) gave up making low band radios, Midland's LMR folded up this week, Motorola quit years ago, RELM, now BK, doesn't show any on their website so the situation is getting ugly. It doesn't look like any American-based company is serving low band. Can anyone help me to find...
  12. S

    Car to Car Car to Base Setup Q's

    *** Note: I realize this is an advanced community. I will be asking incredibly simple Q's. I will appreciate any/all replies, advice, instructions. I have not researched comm systems bc I do not know what Q's to ask and have limited radio-speak terminolgy. Simply put...
  13. K

    Base to mobile simplex help

    Im hoping you guys can help a newbie. My main goal is to achieve good simplex comms from my base (home rooftop tripod mount) to and from my truck. On both ends are baofeng uv-6r 5w HTs. At base is 50' rg8x direct from HT to 2m base antenna (firestik) on roof (about 40' high). I'm attempting to...
  14. D

    2 Meter Recommendation for new Ham

    Hello all, My first post. I live in the Richmond, VA area (far west end). I will be testing for technician on Thursday. I've been studying for a few weeks and expect to pass. I'm looking for recommendations for a 2 Meter Mobile radio that can act as a base as well. Also what mobile...
  15. C

    Base Station Setup Help

    I am wanting to setup a base station cb radio at my house. I would like to keep both the cb and the antenna price under $100 each. What would be a good radio to get and a good antenna to get? I thought about getting a bigger mobile cb and using it as a base station using a plug converter and...
  16. K

    WTB: Motorola Spectra Base Station Microphone

    Hi: Does anyone out there have a Motorola base station microphone for a motorola spectra that they would like to sell? I would like to get one for my station. I am all right on QRZ.COM and FCC call sign data base at WA8LGM. Email is wa8lgm (at) roadrunner (dot) com. Thanks in advance... de...