
  1. medic29

    BCD996XT front port...issures...@#$$%%^

    The front port and/or associated connection cables on the 996T and 996XT has to be one of the poorest design ideas I can imagine. The port wouldn't be so bad if the cables which connected into them were at 90 degrees, but to stick out an inch is crazy. The port and cable connector are both so...
  2. J

    BCD996T no reception in 935-940mhz after upgrade to 3.02.00

    Last night, I upgraded my bcd996t firmware to 3.02.00 from the original 1.03.11. Since the upgrade, I noticed that it would not lock on the control channel of the 935mhz to 940mhz systems, even while using an outdoor antenna and even when setting the squelch to 0 while in scan mode. I set up...
  3. NFR85

    Bcd996t vs bcd96xt

    I live in Nashua NH and everything is digital and Rebanding. I currently own a 996T and I cannot program the talk group IDS. I remember posting here awhile back and someone told me that the 996T will not expect the Talk group IDS because of the Rebanding and I would need the 996T. I would like...
  4. J

    bcTool or Free Scan

    I have both of those programs and just want to see which one is better? And also when I try to connect to com port 3 it dose not work and I can not change the port so I am not sure why. I have a BCD996T and have the USB cable and download the drivers,
  5. S

    BCD996T Usage question

    I just recently started using a BCD996T (I'm very new to the hobby) and have it all programmed and scanning nicely. My question is, when I put the 996 into search mode to search through a frequency band, say custom10 or custom3, how do I go back to scanning mode and stop searching custom10 or...
  6. G

    BCD996T Control channel problem

    All of a sudden I stopped hearing communications on my BCD996T on the local (Guilford County, NC) trunked system. I made no changes to the scanner. Also, my Radio Shack Pro-96 and 2096 receive as well as always. When I lock the 996T on a talk group (e.g. County Fire), I get a message that...
  7. B

    BCD996T Not receiving or Decoding P25 (APCO) but analog is fine

    I recently updated my BCD996T to the latest firmware revision and all seemed fine. After the upgrade, I was sure it was decoding P25, but its use in my area is not widely used. In traveling to an area with known APCO P25, I downloaded the system using ARC996PRO, downloaded into the scanner and...
  8. F

    Uniden BCD996T .USD files

    I am looking for files for my scanner. I have a BCD996T I drive from NH to VA all of the time. I am looking for freq files for NH, MA, CT, NY, DEL, NJ, and VA. I am also looking for Norfolk and virginia beach area files. Please Even a list of freqs for those areas around RTs 15, 13, 84, I95...
  9. G

    Meigs SO on Ohio MARCS

    Hello to all! I have been listening to Ohio MARCS and hearing the OSP and others. I would really like to hear the Meigs SO. I heard them once around midnite a couple days ago on the Racine tower (ID 22576). I've been getting talk on the Racine, Portland, and LittleHocking towers. I have never...
  10. D

    Northwest Central Dispatch Programming Issue

    Hey Guys I just programmed my Uniden BCD 996t for Northwest Central Dispatch using the following programming, but the transmissions are interrupted every 2 seconds or so for a brief silence then I hear the transmission again. It never leaves the TGID, the voice just cuts out, every time. I...
  11. phintar

    BCD99T Problems...

    Hello all, I just got this scanner and was trying to upgrade from my older BC898T's, but I cant seem to figure this thing out! I have read the manual OVER and OVER and OVER again. Here is what I am trying to do... I live in California and want to monitor San Francisco Fire. I made a new system...
  12. T

    Bcd996t install options

    I am new to this hobby and am very excited to get started. We are designing a custom coach from the ground up and want to add a scanner and we want to make sure we do things right. Our selection for the scanner is the Uniden BDC996T. Our choice of antenna is the Austin Spectra. The scanner...
  13. K

    Please discuss...

    I'm working on the money to buy a few scanners. If you're interested in helping me decide what to buy, I'll eventually work on getting two. One to set up a live feed for Greenville County/Greenville PD or the highway patrol in the troop 3 posts C and/or D (if it's possible?), then a second to...
  14. S

    Useing PL codes

    I am in the process of programming A BCD996T. I would like to know if a agency uses the same Frequency with different PL's, Do i need to program each one, or can I just program the frequency and not use the pl and recieve on the channel.
  15. traumacop

    MARCS & 396/996 update. Your results

    Before I spend the time to flash my two scanners, has anyone upgraded their 396/996 to the V2 update and are there noticeable performance improvements on MARCS? I have never performed any of the flash upgrades and from reading some of reports from some of versions I am glad I didn't. I listen...
  16. jamiewmorris

    Idea for future/upgrade to 396

    I would like to see a bank type system for talkgroup ids. For multi-site systems have it where you can set a certain group of talkgroups, name it and then have it be where it can selected by each site of the multi-site system. example: I monitor the Palmetto 800 system in South Carolina, I have...