Hello everyone. For some reason I can no longer select all my digi contacts when making a scan list for a channel. Some are showing and some are not. All the setting for the contacts are the same baring the number and the name. I can not see any reason why they would not show up in the...
I have two Hytera PD402i radios. I bought a brand-new cable for them on eBay. However, that cable has problems, and in Windows Device Manager, it has a warning logo next to it. So, I got another cable from Amazon, and it has the same problems. It could be because it is not a real Hytera...
Hi everyone. Im struggling to get a decent output audio level from my XTS3000. My HT1250 seems to be alot louder. Enhanced parrot on All Star is saying that its low aswell as the people im talking to.
Where exactly do I adjust the mic gain for this? As far as I know ive already turned it up as...
So I am programming a APX7000XE. I have loaded the sys ID for the system and when navigation to "Trunking system"
The "Astro 25 Channel ID list" is completely missing along with the slot to input the WACN.
Its probably something simple i am missing but ill attached a screen shot.
Thanks in...
I have an XTS5000R model 3. I programmed it in ASTRO 25 CPS, everything works great, however the county fire/ems paging channel that I had input does not come through on the radio. I have a minitor 6 pager in the next room so I can see what the radio does. The red light on top blinks when the...
I am looking to see if it is possible to program an APX while connected to a VPN. I am using a laptop that is looking back at a host desktop in a network and it is not allowing me to read/write the APX while connected to the VPN. (Connection to the VPN is needed to look back at the server computer)
I have a Motorola XPR6550. I bought it at a pawn shop, and I am trying to program it for use at work (we require a radio, and they will not let us borrow a shop radio.)
I am trying to use CPS version 16 Build 827 to program it. It will not do anything, and only produced Error 1057: Region not...
Hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on this issue for me.
We are on a 700MHz P25 II system, running APX 6000XE and APX 8000XE radios for our fire department. We just finished a major project where we performed an alignment, added Group Services via FLASHPORT dongles and...
I myself, am not very great with PC software, however... I was chatting with someone I know who has a career in PC technology. They stated that if you install the software on Windows 10 or 11, right click on it, click property's, select compatible, and click run as Windows XP, then it might be...
I'm using the CPS software to program my Baofeng DM-1701 DMR radio.
Can someone tell me what the "Digital RX Group Call" feature in the settings does. Is it necessary for it to be programmed in the DMR code plug to hear the stations on the channel?
Recently purchased a hytera HP50x or (HP502) does anyone know where I’d be able to buy software to program it not sure if another radio by hytera would have the same programming. Not looking for anything free. I’m looking to buy it to program multiple radios just need the right place to look or...
in CPS for the XTS - first option on the first page of the conventional settings - Monitor Type: Open Squelch / Silent
where is this in APX CPS? aside from 'Squelch Per Personality' i don't see anything in Conventional Wide.... nor do i see it in the Conventional Systems or the...
I'm pulling out what's left of my hair trying to accomplish something which seems would be easy but I must be doing something wrong...
Basically... I'd like to change the color of the background by channel using an O3 control head (and possibly an O9):
current CPS settings:
Display- Advanced-...
I am having problems being able to start up ASTRO Spectra CPS. The error I am getting before the one I have in the screen shot says “The system cannot find the file specified.” How do I fix this so I can run ASTRO Spectra CPS?
I apologize if this is not in the right forums area.
I own a Motorola XTS 3000 and would like to legally own the CPS for it from Motorola, the only problem is, I can't find it anywhere. I don't want to get into hot water with Motorola, non the less for software for a radio that's ten plus years...
TL;DR at end if you just want the process.
So a couple of years ago I bought a pair of cheap GMRS radios for family use, TIDRADIO TD-H5. I couldn't help but notice how similar looking they are to radios like the Explorer QRZ-1 dual-band ham radio, and of course the TD-H5 receives the 2m and...
I hope this is the right place for this. So, I am having problems with HT1000 RSS. Shocking, I know. I have a customer who frequently brings me old Motorola radios, and I align them and program them to his system. Well, he just brought me some Visars and one will not program up. I was able to...
Has anyone had any issues upgrading firmware on APS? I’m upgrading a Bluetooth earpiece (nntn8125) from R01 to R01.03.10 and it will get to the end and fail. Now the RSM won’t turn on and I cannot revert back to R01 due to the firmware not available anywhere. I’ve contacted MOL with no...
Hi All,
Wanted to ask if anyone here has experience on setting up a single-site, voice on control channel configuration on a Motorola Quantar using the Intellirepeater system type, along with the correct APX programming fields. I have been testing different configurations and have not been able...
In Windows Explorer, open the CPS installation folder.
Proceed to the config subfolder.
Open tle last archive (either .zip or .7z) inside it.
Open the Model.dat file inside the archive.
Locate the line with [Area] inside the Model.dat file.
Replace the lines below with: