
  1. V

    xts smartnet-II programming question

    I seaerched the forum, but did not find an answer for this. I'm a user on the North Carolina statewide 800 smartnet-II system. We have xts and xtl radios. My question is this. Once the radios are programmed and on the system, if our local department purchases CPS and the cables, can we change...
  2. E

    Motorola CP185 Programming

    I'm trying to program my CP185 and I keep getting error messages that the radio isn't plugged in, not connect or not power on (error #768, #512...). I"m using Commercial CPS R05.00. The radio firmware version is R01.00...I"m not sure what to do. Could it be the cable?
  3. Eaton90

    Help! Xts3000R - CPS won't read the radio

    Greetings from the overseas ASTRO newbie! I've bought the XTS3000R (model II) on ebay recently and also bought an aftermarket ribless programming cable for it. Yesterday I launched R.05.03.00 Astro Saber&XTS3000 CPS on my laptop and tried to read the radio (i've never done it with this radio...
  4. J

    Programming a Motorola MCX 1200 Model II.

    G'day, I'm having issues figuring out which version of CPS / RSS I will need to program a recently acquired MCX1200 Model II. Model #: M01RFM9CK5AN. UHF. I have managed to successfully get it to communicate (Attempts to read radio, radio displays CSQ) with one of the latest versions of CPS /...
  5. ladn

    CPS R 05.03.00 mod

    Has anyone tried the out of band mod (CPS Out of Band Modification HOWTO) on this version of the CPS? I tried to bend the UHF band limit down to 440 MHz, but the software still complained and wouldn't let me save the codeplug.
  6. K

    XTS2500 and CPS 13.00.01

    I'm trying to read the codeplug from a radio I bought from Ebay with the latest version of CPS, but I'm getting this error: OTAP- The current CPS version cannot support this codeplug as it is not compatible with this release. Please upgrade to the latest CPS version. I thought this WAS the...
  7. M

    New to cps..

    Hi all, i recently came across a copy of cps for my ht1250 and i have some questions. It seems that i have figured out the basics. What i dont understand is the quik call and mdc stuff. How does it work? And whatis it for? How could it be utilized in a small ambulance service? My other question...
  8. J

    CDM1250 Squelch

    Where/What is the setting to adjust the squelch in the CPS software for the CDM1250? We got a new radio with the same freqs we have been using for years and now it's picking up (barely braking squelch) transimitions from ??? where. I'm somewhat familiar with the CPS software as I have adjusted...
  9. E

    motorola cps software upgrade

    I am unable to locate the cps software upgrade on the motorola website. I currently have the cp300/gm300 series, version r03.06.07 and I need to get up to the latest and greatest to ready my version 7 codeplug. All my searching has proven pointless. Does anyone have the link to either purchase...
  10. F

    Motorola HT1250 CPS programming

    I currently have CPS R06.04.00. We recently acquired some Motorola HT1250 radios. Can my current CPS version program these radios? All the radios say VER.NO: R05.03.02 Also, I was looking on ebay and I saw some RIBless USB cables that claim to be able to program these radios. Would they...
  11. K

    Motorola GP340 CPS Language

    Hello! I am thinking about buying this item off of eBay later this week.Motorola GP340 Two-Way Radio UHF + Accessories - eBay (item 370186361317 end time Apr-14-09 21:07:00 PDT) My only questions about this radio are... Does the radio come with programming software?? And if it does, is it in...
  12. bezking

    Motorola CPS RVN4182V (XTS3000)

    Hi all, Will the CPS RVN4182V for the XTS3000 work with the Astro Saber? A MOL search for Astro Saber CPS returns " CPS R05.01.00 ASTRO SABER XTS3000", part RVN4182U, which has been replaced with V. Thanks!
  13. bezking

    Loose FPP with Latest CPS??

    Hi Moto Gurus, I often see eBay listings for XTS units with FPP in which the seller says that if you program the radio with CPS later than version X.XX, FPP will be lost. How and why would this happen? Thanks!!