
  1. I

    DMR to Analog Bridge

    I'm trying to figure out if there's any kind of solution to linking a UHF Mototrbo system with a VHF analog system. Neither system are encrypted, so I'm wondering if theres some kind of repeater or bridge that can link each other to allow interoperability even if its a DVRS system. Unfortunately...
  2. S

    Single Frequency Hytera XPT System

    Hi all, was't sure where to post this, so if this is the wrong place, please forgive... Recently came across a Single frequency dmr channel in my area, when I ran it in DSD plus it seems it says "XPT" in the event window, however, it seems that all control, data, and voice flow over the same...
  3. Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Selling a Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR in great condition. Tested and working at 100W output power with both DMR timeslots working. Will need to be reprogrammed. Does not include AC power cord, repeater only.
  4. Colin9690

    DMR: Need Some Help Understanding

    I'm looking for some help understanding what type of DMR this system is using, and how to program it into my SDS-100. It's not yet in the database, and I'm intending to submit it to the database when I get this figured out. The system in question is: Worthington City Schools. On my first...
  5. AES-256-Encryption

    XPR4550 questions

    Let me make this clear, I don't know anything about MOTOTRBO/DMR. First, is the potentiometer for the volume knob supposed to feel loose? it goes halfway like loose, then I feel some clicks. I'm gonna order a new plastic for the radio but I wanna know if I should get a new potentiometer, also...
  6. RFinder B1

    RFinder B1

    RFinder B1 for sale. Dual-band VHF/UHF Analog/DMR. Includes original packaging and accessories including drop-in charger, screen protector, belt clip and belt swivel. Barely used - like-new condition.
  7. Rik

    SDRtrunk DMR simplex not decoding

    My SDRtrunk software and SDRplay RSPdx combo work great. I have no problem with P25 systems in my area. I set up a system using the tx freq of my Pi-Star DMR hotspot. If I activate World Wide TG 91 with my radio, the hotspot tx is picked up by the SDRtrunk and it decodes the DMR audio...
  8. mushu

    Ambulances CETAM

    Bonjour, Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la fréquence de la CETAM cotée Longueuil en DMR. J'ai celle de la Prairie / Chateauguay / Valleyfield en DMR qui est jointe ici. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide. Stéphane
  9. Mountaineer304

    Finally getting a quality DMR! But now I’m not sure of what model lol

    So conflicted idk whether to get an Anytone D878UVII Plus Ht or a Anytone 578UVlll plus mobile or an Alinco md-500t tbh.. It’s gonna be my first big dmr purchase… I use a yaesu ftm 500 for a base and a anytone 6666 for 10/11 in my shack.. I just cannot decide between a mobile or a ht.. Gonna...
  10. Mountaineer304

    Considering upgrading to general

    I've had my techs for 4-5 years but I wanna try some new frequencies,modes and dx.. My question is should I upgrade and add a hf rig to the shack or just go this new dmr way that seems everyone is going? Thanks KE8ODY
  11. Mountaineer304

    Buying a Anytone D878UVII PLUS

    My question is, why is it so expensive to get the sky bridge? It's more than the radio? Are hot spots hard to Program? Could someone recommend one thata easy to program decent and not 500 bucks lol.. KE8ODY 73
  12. O

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: DMR Custom Search

    Hello Community of Experts - I just acquired a 436HP and added the DMR upgrade. I live in a major metro area and there is plenty of DMR to be heard, hence the paid upgrade. I am using custom search from 451-455 and 460-465 to find and identify DMR frequencies. The problem that I am...
  13. F

    SDS100/SDS200: Unknown Department with Unknown TGID

    I did try searching on this, unfortunately the terms are so common, it's possible I missed this being discussed previously amongst all the search results. I entered in a new system called "Brandmeister DMR" and then added one department called "Brandmeister Network" that contains a bunch of BM...
  14. jeffmarshall911

    NX-5700 DMR Programming

    KPG-D1N v5.01 This is a personal mobile radio that I use for both P25 Public Safety and trying to use for DMR for ham. Pretty comfortable with Analog and P25 (conventional) programming on this radio. I have an Anytone handheld for DMR and that’s functional. In the Kenwood, I’ve created a DMR...
  15. R

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Display talk groups and user ids

    Hi! I wonder how I display the current talkgroup id and user id on a stored DMR channel when receiving a transmission, instead of just displaying the Name of the channel? It works if I add a frequency without a channel Name in the radio, but I want to be able to do the same for channels that...
  16. J

    Anytone D-578 UV PRO Cross Band Repeat Issue

    I have an Anytone 578 UV PRO that I have been playing with in cross-band repeat mode and have run into an issue. I own and operate a DMR repeater as well. I can cross-band/mode a VHF analog channel into a DMR talk group through the repeater successfully with both repeat paths working just fine...
  17. U

    DMR vs P25 - Encryption standards and software vs hardware encryption

    Hey all, I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a flame war or anything, I'm just trying to better understand the key differences in implementation. Question I'm aware that companies like Anytone, Hytera, Motorola, etc. offer encryption in their DMR radios, and I know that Anytone and Hytera...
  18. Diverdan86

    DMR & The Iridium network

    Hello, I am looking into venturing into the world of DMR and I was wondering if a DMR radio has the ability to connect to a satellite network talk group, such as the Iridium Network talk group, enabling continues/consistent two-way satellite communication without the need for the constant...
  19. V

    DMR audio quality on SDS100 vs BCD325P2

    I own both the sds100 and 325p2 and before I pay for the DMR upgrade, I wanted to get opinions on whether I should updgrade DMR to the 100 or 325. We all know the analog rx/audio quality on the sds100 isn't good, so I'm leaning towards upgrading 325 to DMR. I don't have any experience with DMR...
  20. P

    Why does DMR sound better with OFT?

    A couple weeks ago, I started using One Frequency Trunk for a singular DMR channel that I listen to a lot, and when I put in all the information for it into an OFT the audio quality seemed to significantly improve upon doing this and is now on par with my TRX-1. Why is this?