
  1. T

    DSD+ and Windows 10

    Hi all, I've just reserved my free copy of Windows 10 upgrade from Microsoft, now my question is will DSD+ run on this version of Windows? if no, when will DSD+ likely to be ready for Windows 10? Cheers
  2. A

    DSD+ to Wireshark

    Is it possible to pipe raw packets from DSD+ to Wireshark in Windows 7?
  3. B

    KeyIDs in DSD+

    Using DSD+ to decode encryption KeyIDs on Motorola and P25 systems, it typically displays a five-digit number. But the key IDs are 1, 2, 3 or 4 digit. How does the KeyID shown by DSD+ convert into the actual key id? Tks!
  4. F

    HackRF One And DSD+ Decoding

    Hi I now own a HackRF One I'm using DSD+ for decoding but when I use the HackRF the decoding comes back garbled. Now if I switch over and use a NooElec dongle the decoding comes in very clear same Freq it just seems that the little dongle is stronger than he HackRF One. Is there somthing I'm...
  5. FLANO

    SEARM Meeting - 17 January 2015

    Tonight is the monthly SEARM (South East Arizona Radio Monitoring group) meeting. It’s always the third Saturday of the month. We meet at the Village Inn Restaurant, at 4245 E. Speedway Blvd., in Tucson. We start at 6pm and usually are there until 8pm. It is informal and we usually get...
  6. K

    DSD+ Metadata for Alphatags

    Hi All First, let me say a huge THANK YOU to everyone involved in getting DSD+ to where it is today, it is an outstanding piece of software! I'm using SDR# and DSD+ to decode a local LEO for a feed using RadioFeed by proscan. I would like to add alphatags/metadata to the feed, but i'm not sure...
  7. del1964

    New to DSD+ not hearing audio through speakers?

    New to DSD+ not hearing audio through speakers? I have unitrunker running, Virtual Audio Cable, latest version of DSD+ running. Everything looks great on Hoosier P25 SAFET system. Audio graph is working...........how do I "hear" the sound??? #LittleLost
  8. GTR8000

    DSDPlus: P25 Phase II TDMA Samples

    Here are three raw samples from a P25 Phase II TDMA system. The first is control channel data containing Phase II IDEN_UP messages and voice channel grants; the other two are TDMA voice samples. Note that the control channel data is not in sync with the voice samples...
  9. T

    Is there a level control? (Issues with decoding)

    I am almost all setup with my SDR radio. I have two RTL dongles and have everything setup using Unitrunker, DSD+ and VBCable. Sometimes the decrypted voice sounds good, sometimes a bit like a robot and other times completely unintelligible. in the DSD window I notice 'Lvl' is constantly near...
  10. M

    DSD+ setup help needed

    Hello everyone I'm new to this forum and I am here because am interested in SDR and I'm trying to set up DSD. I have problems with DSD. I have read and followed some of the tutorials online and double checked everything but still no luck in decoding ... hope that you guys can help me. I use...
  11. F

    SDR# plugin - GUI interface for DSD+

    From SDR-RTL.com New SDR# Plugin: GUI Interface for DSD+ - rtl-sdr.com