
  1. B

    Pro-135 Problem - Encryption or Digital

    I purchased my pro-135 about a month ago and I enjoy it very much. The problem i'm getting is that when I find the frequency of a security guard using Signal Stalker I can sometimes hear him speak but most of the times I just hear static. When his base responds to him it's always only static...
  2. B

    AR3000A reset problem

    I have an AR3000A Scanner. If it has been disconnected from all power for a fair while upon turning on it will not start in an ordered fashion. All the display characters are on and the scanner is 'hung'. I replaced the 3V batt which was dead but to no avail. My understanding is that before...
  3. News4Shooter

    2096 control channel problem

    We've got a 2096 that has spent it's entire life inside, on a good surge protector, that has suddenly developed a problem. When I put it in manual, and go to our P-25 control channel here, it should show MO, and it does, but only for a split second. As soon as the sys ID info starts to show...
  4. D

    Trunking: Data Noise Problem

    I have a Radio Shack Pro-96 scanner, a friend has a Radio Shack Pro-528. Both are programmed (separate bands) with two trunking police agencies (La Quinta California and Palm Desert, California) and several other local non-trunked public service frequencies (Indio, AMR, CHP, etc.). We have no...
  5. C

    Simplex system possibly struck by lightning.

    Where I work we work with a Motorola radio setup, we run on 154mhz band, and use Motorola base telephone transceivers, and CP200 handhelds when we're in the field. This past weekend, we think our system may have been struck by lightning. Our radios now have what I would describe as a "ghost"...