
  1. M

    PSR 800- No recordings found, yet audio files on card

    Hey there, New user of the PSR800, love the scanner so far- one issue I've had is that when I connect the scanner to my pc to import the audio I've recorded I have had it kick back a message "no recordings found", even though the memory card has hundreds or thousands of .au files in the rec...
  2. W

    IC-208H - tx'ing and memory channel troubles

    Hi Guys, First off, thank-you for having me! Guys, recently my IC-208H has started to play up and it has me stumped. For any stored memory channels, uploaded by the programming software (CS-208) via USB, the radio doesn't allow me to transmit. When I press the PTT, I get a "beep" from the...
  3. U

    Perry/Muskingum County Live Feed

    Perry County, Ohio (OH) Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners on This feed is terrible today. I couldn't find a link on the Live Feed page to submit a problem, so I'm doing it here. Is there a way to contact the person responsible for a certain feed? The feed is skipping and...
  4. AuToGrApHzZz

    Pro-197 Streaming feed problem with ScannerCast

    Hello there, Currently my scanner is having a problem streaming onto RR via the RadioReference edition of ScannerCast. The problem is that it will run and connect to RR but whenever a call comes in it changes the Scanner Connection status from "OK" to "Not Communicating With Scanner". It...
  5. WX9RLT

    Kindle Scanner App

    I bought a Kindle 3 last night I am looking for a scanner app for it i tried listening to the feeds on here, but it doesnt have flash player, nor will it download the files to play in the media player. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can listen to the scanner feeds via Amazon kindle 3...
  6. carddude99

    apco 25 on home patrol by uniden

    I have a Home Patrol. The only apco 25 system is military and it has signal as I can see on the bar, but nothing comes out except a little click noise. Does that mean it is encrypted. Isn't Apco 25 supposed to be recieved on a digital scanner? Anyone from the Northwest, can you help me here...
  7. R

    St. Johns County Fire Radio Problems?

    I have been monitoring the St. Johns County Fire Rescue dispatch frequency for a few hours now and have heard nothing. Not even static. This started around 11 P.M. yesterday, 7/13/2011. I don't think it's my radio because I tried to listen to other frequency's including JFRD Dispatch and...
  8. E

    Problems in Chesterfield

    Has anyone else had problems trunk tracking Richmond / Henrico / Chesterfield / Colonial Heights from Chesterfield? With help from a smart guy in a Pro 106 user groups I figured out that one of the frequencies off the Chesterfield tower is broadcasting silence preventing truck tracking scanners...
  9. A

    Missoula County Radio

    Anyone give me a current list of channels THAT THEY Personally KNOW WORK. (meaning I know how to find these resources online, I need confirmation that others are still picking things up ) I can't seem to be able to pickup anything anymore, it's been a while since plugged mine in and it's old...
  10. N

    92XLT headphone problems

    On my Uniden UBC92XLT Scanner there has been a problem that has very recently started happening. If the headphones/line in is fully inserted to the scanner's headphone port then I start hearing the sound on both the scanners internal speaker and the headphones/line in If I partially insert the...
  11. R

    Austin Police and Travis County Scanner

    I am having a really hard time hearing anything from the Austin Police scanner. Has anyone else been having this issue? Some days it will work fine, then others there is absolute silence. Just wondering if it's user error or the frequency they are on. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  12. WX9RLT

    BC898T programming software - problem

    I am running the BearCat software that you buy from Uniden for the BC898T (BC898T SS) Full version - paid for When I am running it through my computer, to control the scanner via my computer, after a minute or so, it will RESTART my computer! I can use the other features of the software...
  13. C

    Yaesu FT-1900R CTCSS problem

    I have had my new Yaesu FT-1900R 2m 55w mobile radio for less than a week. Last night when I was transmitting the radio turned off by its self and turned back on. Then the front buttons on the radio (besides the power button) would not work. So I performed a complete reset of the micro processor...
  14. Paintball4life

    Radio Shack Pro 197 Audio Problem?

    Seeing that Radio Shack lowered the price of their digital scanners I decided to buy a new Pro 197 and I love it. But sometimes when a transmission comes through on a channel I can hear the person talking very quietly then the audio gets louder and more understandable. I searched through the...
  15. K

    problem programming kenwood tk-290

    I have bought a kenwood tk-290 and the programming software. The software loads and I put in the frequencies. when I turn the radio on all I get is this frequent and random high pitch beeping noise. It did pick up something but when this beeping thing started it would not pick up anything...
  16. D

    BC246T need help

    the button on my BC246T don't work !!! all the numbers and the other don't work just the ON/OFF work when I plug my scanner into my computer amd try to control it with bctool it don't work too !!! please help me !!! Pier-Yves
  17. A

    Radio Shack PRO-97 scanner problem

    Hi All, Im new to this forum, i joined in hopes of getting some advice on a problem i have had with my scanner. I hope this is in the right section, if not could a mod please move it. I have had my Radio Shack PRO-97 (1000 channels, triple trunking) for about 3 years now, but about a month ago...
  18. WX9RLT

    WIN97 problem

    I am having a problem with WIN97 It keeps crashing on me when i am trying to do the web import features. It will allow me to do it for a few minutes, then it crashes. Anyone else have this problem? How can I fix this problem?
  19. J

    246T Problems

    I have a Uniden 246T that I purchased new about a year ago, and it has completly stopped working. I noticed one day that it had stopped recieving my local FD (800mhz Trunking System). So, I cleared the memory and reprogrammed it using BCTool (I thought maybe something just happened with the...
  20. theshadowman

    Feed Problem

    I have two issues regarding my scanner feed. 1 - As I have posted previously, the scanner just disconnects without any indication given on my host computer. I get an email (thankfully) stating that I am 'offline' and then I have to go restart the software. 2 - Is there any way to permanently...