
  1. I

    Combining DMR Sites in Favorite List

    Hello, I have a question about DMR favorite lists imported from RadioReference using ProScan and my SDS200. As an example if I were to use the RadioReference database and I selected the following options: State: Wisconsin State System: Business -Get Data -Transportation Under...
  2. C

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: bcd436hp question about what to hold

    Hello, im new to all this so i dont know much. Im wondering what im supposed to "hold" if i want to properly scan a system. For example, theres a system called "Algonquin College" with a site called "algonquin tower" and a department called "facilities" with 5 channnels such as security, IT...
  3. K

    Am I programming to many sites?

    Hi, I'm new to scanning Utah. I Live in weber county but work a lot in Salt Lake County. I only have interest in scanning Weber, Davis, Salt Lake counties. My scanner is fully programmed & working and picking up feeds sometime static. But I was wondering am I doing it wrong. For Instance, when...
  4. S

    Uniden bcd436hp

    I recently picked up a scanner and I need help. I programmed it on sentenial and I’m having problems scanning. What’s the difference between sites and departments because I programmed all the departments I wanted but removed the sites and it wont scan through the departments which are p25.
  5. VA3YRM

    Sites systems groups, etc.

    Hello, Being new to scanning, the question I have is probably simple: For both conventional and trunked: What is the definition of a system? What is the definition of a site? What is the definition of a group? What is the definition of a department? What is the definition of a channel? How...
  6. kwebster7327

    Zip Code Search Returns All Sites

    It seems that when I do a zip code search (29420, for example), I get the local trunking (P800) talk-groups I'd expect with my distance setting, but all the sites statewide. I would have expected to only get the local sites, too. Since there are over 300 site freqs in the state on this system, I...
  7. Disk4mat

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Systems, Sites & Groups: Organize without Duplicating?

    So Im still rather new. Been scanning with the BCD996P2 and love it. I feel like I now have all the basics down and spend more time enjoying than fiddling. But I do have a question that I cant seem to solve on my own. I would like to achieve having a separate system for: Police, Fire and EMS...
  8. J

    TRX-1: Efficient Programming

    I've had the TRX-1 for eight months now and what I thought about it early on still stands. It takes minutes to learn but you'll never master it. What I've found difficult is programming the scanner so that it scans efficiently. Here is what I'm trying to do. 1. I'm setting up scan lists by...
  9. S

    Downloading coordinates in search results?

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how to download a search result that includes the coordinates of the sites of the system. Is that possible in any download report (CSV)? I would prefer to search by FRN to get an entity's entire system's sites. How do I do this? All of the reports I have looked...
  10. J

    Programming control site frequency?

    WHen you program the control sites frequencies, do you program them in order that this website has them? Or by color? I watched a video and he said I should put the controll frequencies first red and blue. then put the other ones in. But can’t find anything to support that.
  11. J

    system and sites. need all sites? whistler scanner

    i have the whistler trx-1. do i need to import all the sites of a system? if i select only some sites do i need to select certain talk groups instead of all also? my area is here; Chandler would be my system for my area. so would i...
  12. R

    Active TPIDs and Systems from Mesa Riverview Area

    I ran a log for a day with a lot of activity, these are the most active TPIDs with Alpha tags along with the SYSTEM names I am located near the Mesa Riverview by the 202 (Red Mountain) and Alma School. If your looking for the best TX sites to program in your scanner for local PD and FD, these...
  13. H

    Decoding HYT XPT multi-sites

    Just curious to see if anyone has managed to capture datastream for a multi-site system on XPT (Hytera) I am looking for an engineer to reverse this method for possible DSD+ data implementation.
  14. H

    Feature Request - Hytera XPT

    From the public release version of DSD+, there is a decoder named 'XPT'. I have been playing around with this for a while now and I havent really seen much change into it's functionality. What I would like to see is what Capacity Plus also provides which is Linked or single Sites. Can this be...
  15. L

    Sites, Talkgroups and Systems

    Hello radio gods! I have a rather simple question. I am scanning a Trunked System with multiple sites and numerous talk groups to stay tuned into my fire dispatch as I am a volunteer. When I am at work there is a site that is located 1/2 mile from my office but whenever I try to use that site...
  16. L

    Trunking Issue: Site "Finding Ctrl Chan"

    Hello Everyone, I am relatively new to the world of Scanners and I recently purchased a Uniden BC346XTC, Stock Everything. I am a Volunteer Firefighter and I got the scanner as a way to monitor my department's communications and for use as a Fire Tone Out Monitor at night. I have configured...
  17. N

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Question for the Uniden experts or well-informed

    Concerning scan speeds: If you have a large large phase 1 trunked system and would like to break it into three selectable scan groups it seems like I have two choices. First put them under one system quick key with three group quick keys , or secondly, simply have them under three separate...
  18. Y

    Monitor 1 site?

    Do all of the sites in the Colorado Springs area broadcast the same traffic? Do I really need to monitor all of the sites around town, or should I monitor the closest one(while at home)? Are there agencies that only broadcast off certain sites? I assume Woodland Park doesn't broadcast on the...
  19. k6scm

    Cal Fire 'Sites Complex' Wildfire Monitoring Info

    The 'Sites Complex' wildfire is burning at the Coastal Range's merge into the Central Valley platte & foothills of rural Colusa county on the border with Lake & Glenn counties. It is currently 10% contained at nearly 2500 acres within extremely hazardous, difficult/rugged terrain. There is...
  20. F

    New Streaming Audio Receiver on Mountain, But What Frequency?

    I have access to Pleasants Peak, in the mountains south of Corona. The facility is a shared communications site at 3,885 feet elevation, with almost no receiver noise. See Google Maps location of “33.798514,-117.62303” or go to Pleasants Peak I will be placing one or more streaming audio...