
  1. KE5TLF

    STICKY thread for Fed & MilAir MS

    Been perusing the fed/military bands some the last few weeks and have made a few discoveries I'd like to share and get some feedback on. Although it pretty much seems all I am doing around here is talking to myself. :mad: We now have Federal and Milair pages on the Mississippi DB front page too...
  2. R

    HF Milair/Civ Activity Sticky.

    Will try to update at least 2-3 times a week, please add your catches. Thursday 3-11 0425 UTC to 2872 Lufthansa #439 Airbus A340-300 with Shanwick 52 North 40 West en route from Dallas/Fort Worth Intl to Frankfurt Int'l. 2872 Lufthansa #471 Airbus A340-300 with Shanwick 53 North 20 West en...
  3. mtindor

    MARCS-IP ("New MARCS") Site and Talkgroup Discussion

    A new 700 Mhz license application is pending for Ohio MARCS - Cuyahoga Co Project 700 Mhz 5 sites Simulcast Click HERE to view the pending application Click HERE for a Google Map of the sites LOCATIONS Cleveland, OH (CUYAHOGA) Warrensville Hts, OH (CUYAHOGA) Mayfield, OH (CUYAHOGA)...
  4. K

    Software apps for various receivers/transceivers

    Some may wonder if there are control apps for receivers and ham transceivers that are like the various scanner apps, such as FreeScan or ProScan. The answer is yes - sort of. I'm in the midst of doing some badly-needed reorganizing (I should have done this sooner, frankly, but my plate was...
  5. S

    Nebraska RACOM Rebanding

    Theses are going to be the new frequencies for the RACOM sites in Nebraska. RACOM has started rebanding in Iowa. Check Iowa forum for update on Iowa's sites. All the site in Nebraska are going to be changing frequencies even Seward. The frequencies are not in LCN order. Lincoln: 854.0875...
  6. Radioman96p71

    RACOM system-wide rebanding starts Feb 1st

    A rapid, system-wide rebanding is set in motion beginning February 1st. RACOM is looking to switch 2 sites every day to the new frequency plan. More information to come. Pella and Malcom will be switched in the near future, either today, the 2nd or tomorrow. So anyone in that area would please...
  7. K

    combined skeds spreadsheet

    If you are looking for schedules from numerous broadcasters, you need look no further than the page below. Dan K4VOA has assembled these from Aoki, EiBi, HFCC, Prime Time SW and many other sources into a single spreadsheet. You will need a good unzipper program like WinZip or 7zFM, and a program...
  8. N9JIG

    IL Scanning Yahoo Groups (2010 Edition)

    CARMA CarmaChicago Home Page 1586 members, ~350-400 messages a month. Large files section with numerous files on Chicago area systems. Profiles available at CARMA Profiles. Active message board. ScanIllinois ScanIllinois 500 members, ~50 messages a month...
  9. D

    Indiana FCC License Info

  10. jsoergel

    Ohio Area Military Communications

    Ohio Milair If possible, I'd like to make this a sticky - there's a great deal of military activity around the state, but it seems like much of the posting is done in other regional threads. The Springfield ANGB and Wright-Patterson AFB frequencies have been updated very recently in the Wiki...
  11. D

    New WinXX versions

    At approximately 0950 (UTC -0800) this morning, I released new versions of Win96 (1.67), Win97 (1.29), and Win500 (1.91). There are two important changes in the new versions: Added support for site-specific trunking tables ("bandplans") when importing from RadioReference Sped up the download...
  12. K

    Deleting/Moving articles

    Per policy (as written in the wiki user's guide), there are 2 steps to take in order to get an article deleted. Wipe the content of the article entirely Send a note to bezking or W9RXR via email or RR mail to have the article deleted However, as noted, if all you need to do is change a...
  13. K

    RID/UID information in the wiki

    This thread will become a sticky for now and serve as a bridge to continue the discussion from another forum. Please place all RID/UID information in the wiki. In addition, it's strongly urged that such articles should be attached to the trunked system whose users are being identified. The...
  14. K

    Personal information in the wiki

    Recently an admin had spotted some data that included the names of individuals involved in a public service area. The administrator correctly dropped this data from the wiki, and it started a small thread in another forum. Since not everyone can see this forum, allow me to summarize the...
  15. KE4ZNR

    SC Roll Call

    I know that some of the other state based forums have done this so I thought why not the SC Radio Buffs as well? It is time for the SC Roll call! Please check in with: ~Your Name (& ham callsign if you have one) ~Location ~Radios in your shack ~What do you monitor on a daily basis? To make...
  16. blantonl

    Embedding Audio Feeds in Your Own Web Pages

    Audio Broadcasters. I've worked with the audio administration team over the past few days and we've made the decision to change our policy and allow feed broadcasters to embed their feeds in their own Web pages, for free, provided they use ONLY this process for doing so. This is available...
  17. S

    NXDN/TRBO Agencies

    I thought I would start a thread for NXDN and TRBO users. If you come accross something that you used to be able to monitor and are no longer hearing anything they may have went to NEXEDGE or MotoTRBO. Other than multiple rail services I haven't come across any NXDN users in TN, but there are...
  18. newsphotog

    Upcoming changes to Iowa radio systems

    With so many new agencies moving over to digital formats or NFM, I thought maybe it would be a good idea just to start a whole new thread to keep track of the upcoming changes and keep it all in one thread instead of having all the threads be buried in the archives and forgotten about (maybe...
  19. edge99

    WISCOM (2010)

    Report of Probable Costs of Wisconsin Statewide VHF P25 Digital Trunked Public Safety Radio System Wisconsin Interoperability Council Internet - News Detail

    D-STAR Systems

    I'm surprised there is not a running D-STAR thread here on RR site, So let's start one! :D At this time there are 12 2m repeaters, 14 70cm repeaters, and 7 1.2 gig repeaters active in Florida. Momentum is gaining. Here is a great link to see all repeater activity in real-time: