
  1. APXandRailroadRadios

    Motorola APX 7000 TDMA

    Hi everyone, I have a 7000 in VHF/7-800. Conventional works great. I was wondering if there is any way to add features like TDMA to it. I know it is no longer supported by Motorola so is there a way that isn't Motorola? Thank you.
  2. F

    Updating the FLASHcode on the Motorola APX7500 radio to accept TDMA

    Hello all, I have been trying to figure out what the process is if there is any on how to update the FLASHcode on my APX7500 to add TDMA Trunking. I already have FDMA but the system we use here is TDMA and unless I'm on the channel, I don't get audio from it. Any sight in this matter would be...
  3. JimmyBaB

    996p2 Listen To DMR Phase 2 TDMA With DMR Upgrade?

    I want to listen to a non encrypted P25 TDMA Phase 2 Police Frequency on my 996p2. Can anyone confirm they have successfully been able to do so without simulcast distortion before I purchase the upgrade?
  4. Charlie1068

    Baofeng Baofeng RD-5R DMR TDMA Help

    I recently purchased a RD-5R and can program DMR no problem, but some of the frequencies I can receive in DSD Plus are TDMA. I can receive them fine on DSD, but then I program the frequencies, Color Code and Talk groups. I can't pick up any of there chatter, I have retraced my steps to make sure...
  5. I

    Phase 2 on DaneCom

    According to RadioReference, "Most Talkgroups on this system are Phase I however there is some Phase II traffic on lesser used talkgroups from time to time." None of the talkgroups in the database are listed with a Mode "T" (TDMA capable) designation. Does anyone know which of the 'lesser...
  6. I

    P1 vs P2 Indication?

    Is there any way to tell whether a received signal on the G5 is using P1 or P2 modulation? According to RadioReference, some of the talkgroups on DaneCom (Dane Co, WI) are using Phase II modulation, however, none of the talkgroups in the database are listed with a Mode "T" (TDMA) designation...
  7. C

    Plantation Police Department

    So I see that the Plantation PD is fully TDMA. Will my BCD436HP be able to receive them?
  8. D

    DMR Talkaround technicalities

    I have a couple of questions about how talkaround functions: When a mobile radio keys up in talkaround mode, does it identify as a base station? Further, does/can a receiver discriminate between a station type (Mobile/base) if it is on the correct frequency, color code and TG? Thanks!
  9. G

    DMR Simplex ARS

    Does DMR ARS work over simplex? Basically is it possible for a bunch of radios operating simplex mode to "see" what other radio ids are powered on and listening to a channel?
  10. M

    APX 6000 and TDMA Scanning

    I have successfully gotten an APX6000 to monitor my statewide 700/800MHz P25 Phase I/Phase II dynamic system. I had used the radio prior on the Phase I but these days more and more talk groups every day are heading Phase II. The radio worked great on the Phase I/FDMA talk groups the way I had...
  11. GTR8000

    DSDPlus: P25 Phase II TDMA Samples

    Here are three raw samples from a P25 Phase II TDMA system. The first is control channel data containing Phase II IDEN_UP messages and voice channel grants; the other two are TDMA voice samples. Note that the control channel data is not in sync with the voice samples...
  12. T

    Harris P7170ip on P25

    Hello all, So I just sold my Home Patrol HP1 and don't have anything to listen to EDACS with now. I want to get a portable and this is the one that I am looking at M A com Harris P7100IP 800MHz Edacs Provoice P25 Conventional w Programming | eBay Here is the link to the RR database of the...
  13. mikewazowski

    HP-1: Mixed TDMA/FDMA talkgroup support

    Let me get this right out of the way first: I understand the HP-1 is not able to listen to TDMA talkgroups. If unlistenable modulation formats such as NXDN, D-Star and talkgroups marked Encrypted are imported, I don't understand why TDMA talkgroups aren't imported? There's a system near me...
  14. GTR8000

    Project 25 Phase II

    I updated the Phase II TDMA section of the Project 25 page. Hopefully this clears up some of the "X2-TDMA" vs "Phase II TDMA" confusion around here! Project 25 - The RadioReference Wiki
  15. GTR8000

    Motorola Solutions Begins Shipping ASTRO® 25 Systems with Project 25 TDMA Trunking

    Motorola Solutions Media Center - Press Releases - Motorola Solutions Begins Shipping ASTRO® 25 Systems with Project 25 TDMA Trunking