
  1. allandunn

    TRX-1 App Error Message

    While attempting to install the latest CPU update to my TRX-1, the app states it cannot find any CPU firmware or DSP firmware for that matter. Does that with two different USB cables connecting to the computer. Yet the scanner still functions properly. Is there a reset or workaround?
  2. J

    TRX-1: Programming help.

    This may have been ask before, if so I apologize I’m new. I purchased a Whistler TRX-1 few months ago and as much as I love it, I struggle to get it programmed right. I have the software installed and did all that, and used the zip code thing to program my area but the problem seems to be...
  3. V

    Ottawa EDACS Activity

    I added the Ottawa EDACS system to my TRX-1 and I see no activity (24-25 June). Lots of activity on P25. Any ideas? The settings were downloaded using the EZ Scan software. If someone is using a TRX-1 to monitor Ottawa EDACS, could you please share your settings? .. Thanks
  4. S

    Looking for a longer USB cord

    I'd like to get a longer USB cord for my TRX-1 scanner. Is there anything special I should be looking for? I know the manual says using an incompatible USB cord may damage the scanner. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm a newbie.... Thanks!!
  5. D

    Baffling experience with SpectrumForce wide-band antenna

    I’ve run into an issue with my recently-purchased SpectrumForce wide-band antenna (SpectrumForce Wideband Antenna with Mag Mount and BNC | Scanner Master) that has me baffled. I primarily use two handheld scanners—my GRE PSR-300 and my Whistler TRX-1. The GRE is a much better radio and always...
  6. K

    Westland MPSCS Wayne County & Whistler TRX-1

    I would appreciate any help please I just bought a TRX-1 to listen to Westland, Garden city PD-FD / Wayne County MI area and nothing No chatter at all from where I want to listen to I know they are on MPSCS and I have tried all kinds of different programing options with no help Anyone have...
  7. N

    TRX-1: Does TRX-1 have good search capabilities

    From reading the (poorly written) manual it seems their are several types of searching available. The question is do they have a "search AND store" facility or does it just stop on getting a hit and you have to do a store manually? I read that the 436 Uniden does have a search-store feature...
  8. N

    TRX-1: Serial numbers - Please!

    May be buying a used but good shape TRX-1. Could someone post the serial numbers of a recently purchased TRX-1. The one I am offered is 003271. Appreciate some help, PLEASE Neil Bell, KJ6FBA
  9. T

    BCD436HP - suggestions on getting started

    Hi. A newbie here with both a Whistler TRX1 and Uniden BCD436HP. The Whistler is easy stuff. I input my zip or city. I select my scan list (Law Dispatch). Boom, I get my city, adjacent cities, state police, etc. I try to accomplish the same thing on the 436HP but with much less success...
  10. k4mm

    TRX-1: St Lucie County, FL

    I hear the First Aid, FD and municipal depts... But, no St Lucie County Sheriff, Fort Pierce PD or Port St Lucie PD. Any help with this?
  11. S

    TRX-1 Change Archive File Location ?

    How do I change where the file is saved when "saving current configuration to archive"?
  12. B

    BCD436HP vs. TRX-1

    Today I sold my Uniden BCD396T that I bought new in 2008 so that I could upgrade to a newer hand-held scanner either the Uniden BCD436HP or Whistler TRX-1. I want to monitor the Eastern Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (EICAWIN) and the Idaho Cooperative Agencies...
  13. J

    Time for a new scanner.. Uniden BCD436HP vs Whistler TRX-1?

    Hello All, I'm looking for a new handheld scanner. My current one is almost 15 years old and is falling apart. I'm currently debating between the Whistler TRX-1 and the Uniden BCD436HP.. and I'm not sure which one would be best for Southern California (specifically Los Angeles, Kern, San...
  14. D

    BC346XT: Uniden vs Whistler

    Well, I believe I've made the same mistake twice !!! I purchased a 346XTC a couple of years ago, one reason was the remote control head which I unceremoniously found was discontinued AFTER I bought the scanner, the second is 2 years worth of confussion and the inability to program this unit the...
  15. Quint-1-29

    Radio ID Needs to be in a scanlist to display???

    Just noticed that I had an RID in another Scanlist, so it didn't display since I had that list turned off. My question and/or wish is RIDs to display no matter what Scanlist you are operating in for that TRS. Another thing while I'm asking for wishes. Why do you need a Delay for a UID/RID when...
  16. F

    Question on location scanning

    I'm sorry if this has been asked before...when importing Radio Reference data from the library on the SD card to a TRX-1 using your location where are the imported frequencies stored? Are they in the preset scanlists, in the reserved scanlists, or in a scanlist that I have created? I'm asking...
  17. MourningRain

    Help with new scanner choice needed

    I had (have) a Realistic Pro-37 handheld scanner. It hasn't worked for a long while. The buttons stopped working and to get it apart to clean the guts, I would have to desolder the antenna connector which I never got around to doing. Last year, for Christmas, I got a Bearcat BC346XT (I think...
  18. G

    Anyone else getting any help at all from customer support?

    I have what I believe to be a faulty TRX-1 that after 10 days of calling and emailing Customer Support, I still have not received any help with.
  19. zwc

    TRX-1: Spectrum Sweeper / Searches via Software

    Hi all. My TRX-1 should be arriving this week and I'm already configuring the software so I can have it programmed and up and running as soon as it arrives. I have a question. I don't see in the software where I can program "Searches" and "Spectrum Sweeper" as objects and set them to record...
  20. ColoradoRedlands

    General Questions about DMR Systems

    Just a couple questions on DMR in general. Did the "Color" code start out being designated in actual color names at some point or was it always just the numbers 0 - 15? I have started out putting all my known DMR freqs in conventional mode. Some are showing up with a TG designation. Does...