
  1. W

    TYT MD-390G won't lock onto GPS

    I've found posts about receiving another radio's GPS over DMR, but I can't find anything about displaying my own GPS location on the TYT MD-390G. As far as I can tell, it's all set up correctly. I have an ID from DMR-MARC, I've installed the code plug for my area. None of this should affect the...
  2. R

    Tyt UV8000d

    Hi I'm looking for some help!! I'm a bit of a novice to these radios and I bought some as they seem easy to program. I did so using the software and all seemed well. However for some reason they don't transmit properly. Whenever I transmit nothing is received on the other radios. And vice...
  3. F

    TYT or Tytera MD380 VHF version as scanner

    The VHF version of this popular radio is not so commonly used since most of the VHF amateur DMR repeaters are in the Northeast US and the UK.Many public service frequencies have converted to DMR, however. I bought one of these radios to use as a portable scanner for public safety VHF DMR...
  4. R

    TYT DM UVF10 and UK dpmr

    I've been trying to fine out how you programmer a DM-UVF10 to cover the UK dpmr channels. for some reason, I can not fine out why, if you program in 446.10375 (channel 1) it resets to 446.10000 anybody know how to do it?
  5. W

    TYT TH-9800 Extended Receive?

    Hi all, I just purchased a TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Transceiver. Just curious if anyone has had any luck getting it to receive outside of the preset bands. Specifically I'm interested in listening to 40-45 MHz on it. Thanks in advance! -- Paul W8AFK [or, Wait, Away From Keyboard :-)]
  6. B

    TYT MD-380 white screen

    I just got a tyt md 380 the other day, when the backlight goes out and when it comes back on it's all white there is no color screen it makes me mad/ I have to turn it off and on to get the screen to come back on.
  7. N

    Tytera TYT/Tytera MD380 DMR HT

    There is a new rig available for Mototrbo/DMR aficionados, the TYT/Tytera MD380 HT. It's a good looking and good performing little radio available for UHF and VHF. The MD380 has a color display, 1000 channels, a regular female SMA antenna connector and good audio. If you're interested picking...
  8. hotdjdave

    TYT TH-9800 vs Zastone MP800 vs Wouxun KG UV-950P

    TYT TH-9800 vs Zastone MP800 vs Wouxun KG UV-950P Does anyone have any feedback on these quad band mobile transceiver radios? Which one is better, pros, cons. Why you would pick one over the other. Things you've heard, positive or negative. Modifications. Thanks.
  9. R

    TYT DM-UVF10 programming manual

    Hi everybody, after a lot of work, I would like to present you a programming manual for TYT DM-UVF10 radio. I started to write this guide after I bought three TYT DM-UVF10 digital radios and realized, that there is no programming guide or help file. I slowly discovered the advanced features of...
  10. O

    Need a power supply for a TYT TH-9800

    So im just getting into Ham Radio and I plan on buying a TH-9800 and I found every thing else to go with this radio (antenna and cables). But I can't find a power supply for it. It needs a 12-14 volt and 8-15 amp power supply. I was looking at 12v car battery maintainers but they don't have the...
  11. kg4ojj

    TYT T5 400-520 MHz handheld radio

    Hello all, I recently purchased a TYT T5 UHF portable radio, which holds 16 channels and covers the UHF band (400 to 520 MHz). It looks and feels like my Baofeng and Wouxun radios and cost similarly ($28 shipped, on eB_y). It uses the same programming cable and accessories as the...