I did visit their website, but it is very sparse. Most of the choices return a "coming soon" entry, although they do provide the possibility to listen live (to their internet feed) if you log-in and provide your personal information. I tend to listen to my scanner rather than to internet feeds. By comparison, Metro Fire Radio is very open about their frequency, invites you to listen, and only asks for money if you choose to transmit and be a part of the contributing group. (No, I am not a member of Metro Fire Radio, although I do enjoy their broadcasts/updates from scenes.) I noted a number of BNN titles in posters' signatures, so I thought that there might be some more inside information on 1RNN's approach, since their website information is lacking.
I am a bit busy at work at the moment, but will make an attempt to contact them directly next week and share anything that I might learn with the forum.