At present, I am going to feed the wire due to current availability of funds.
I will have a professional install these antennas.
However, I will go to:
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When/if I install a CB NMO antenna via hole mount, I want a decent stinger that equals the length of the Tram 3500. It is a rather long stinger.
"Does the CB NMO mount have to be specific to the CB frequency range?
I will use my Larsen Tri-band on a NMO specific to the frequency band, I guess. I will run 58U, not 58AU. I cannot even solder a 1/4 guitar cord.
I've never used a permanent mount. Yes, both responses were good & will be influential in my decisions.
My dear CB friend who owned "Charlie's Airwaves" near Missouri City lost his shop to hurricane Harvey flooding. He was my go-to-guy.
Back in the day, Andy's Electronics near Telephone Road was a great place as well. I remember buying a Regency MX7000 there. It was over $518 if my memory is correct. I loved that radio. At the time, I don't believe there were any frequency gaps. This was when people had 3-watt bag phones. Sadly, the MX7000 keyboard when south.