Nice work,all them killer bee stingers look great,nice aggressive look!
interior is very clean,,almost catalog-esque!
what you DO need is some cleaner,more official/style-ized door logo's-decals...
if i still lived in dorchester id offer to set you up,n install for Free man,,for the
portfolio pics alone!.
that,for Me would cinch it..but still great looking setup-install!
My thoughts exactly, to many antennas, to many holes in the roof that much more of a chance for a leak when it rains.
ive never had an NMO leak,clean flat metal,a lil silicon applied to the O-Ring twist down
and presto...
a little dino based oil also helps(but not to be used with silicon),with keeping the O-Rings
soft longer,gives a real high resistance to dry rot..and creates a natural oil buffer to fight water
creepage..and will also aide in corrosion resistance where paint may be compromised..
antennas are like installing sunroofs,do it right n it Lasts!