Active Member
Based on the updates/changes to the EMS channels, here is the new layout of the HTs used by EMS personnel:
Future FDNY Frequencies
Future FDNY Frequencies
New EMS Tac's all narrowband
New EMS Tac's all narrowband
Tac 1 = 482.50625 85.4
Pl 167.9 for all others
Mn South 483.29375
MN Central 483.28125
Mn North 483.03125
Bx South 483.21875
Bx North 482.98125
Bk South 482.76875
Bk Central 482.51875
Bk North 483.20625
Qn East 482.75625
Qn West 482.50625
Si 482.76875
What is your source? Your list is completely different than what Charles has, or maybe I'm reading it wrong.
His "source" is the fact that he's actually OTJ and is very knowledgeable about this stuff.
I'm not sure what you're looking at on Charles' site, but you're probably either reading it wrong or Charles hasn't updated his site...or both.
If you look at the RR listing you'll find the current (new) EMS dispatch frequencies listed first (they are all FMN), followed by the current (new) EMS tact frequencies listed right afterwards (also all FMN, except for EMS CFR tact). Everything listed after that tagged DEPRECATED are the old frequencies, no longer in use.
I'm looking at the HT layout that Charles linked to in this thread. Either Charles has the frequency information wrong, or tbendick does. Charles's update is dated 1/10/12, so it's pretty current.
I'd just like to know which one is correct so I can update my programming.
Or in simpler terms, everything in the EMS section that is currently highlighted in green is the new EMS Dispatch and EMS Tact frequencies. Everything below that is flagged as Deprecated and has (OLD) in the description.
Does that clear things up?
Not at all. I'll say it again since you don't seem to grasp the concept. Charles has a list of current (old) frequencies and next to those frequencies, in parenthesis, he has the future frequencies. Those frequencies, the ones in parenthesis, are different than the list that was presented here and is in the DB. What I'd like to know is which ones are correct?
Although to be fair, the question wasn't directed at you, more to Charles and tbendick.
The TAC frequencies have not yet been updated on his site, however they have been updated here on RR. That was the list tbendick posted yesterday, the TACTICAL frequencies, not the DISPATCH frequencies. The list on Charles' site is showing the new DISPATCH frequencies.
Now are we clear? :roll:
Why didn't you just say so earlier! :roll:
If you look at the RR listing you'll find the current (new) EMS dispatch frequencies listed first (they are all FMN), followed by the current (new) EMS tact frequencies listed right afterwards (also all FMN, except for EMS CFR tact).
You'll have to be more specific than that. Which frequencies specifically are you referring to? EMS Dispatch? EMS Tact?
The new EMS Dispatch and EMS Tact frequencies are listed in the RR DB under New York County/New York City Fire Department/EMS. They were updated today. I don't see any of the new EMS Tact frequencies on Charles' site.
Or in simpler terms, everything in the EMS section that is currently highlighted in green is the new EMS Dispatch and EMS Tact frequencies.
I did! In three separate posts!
I think you really need to work on your writing skills. :evil:
What is your source? Your list is completely different than what Charles has, or maybe I'm reading it wrong.
You read Charles' site wrong, you read the RR database wrong, you read tbendick's post wrong, and you read every single one of my posts wrong...but I'm the one with the problem here? :roll:
I'm glad you realize that. Do you get lost often when you are driving your limousine?
There are conflicting sources of the info for the EMS TAC freqs. I am in the process of verifying what IS and what WILL BE. I had hoped the RR database was not changed yet until ACCURATE information was available. The EMS is undergoing some changes that will last all year until the FCC mandated narrowband issue for 1/1/2013 is resolved as far as NYC getting permission to delay the process. As we have seen in the past with the PLs listed for the narrow FM channels for both FD and EMS over the past two years, things can change in a heartbeat when things in the field do not match the theory when they make up the frequency lists. Patience my firends, patience!