By the way . Love that RF Ground strap
Freightliner Evolution.
A good number.
1 & 2 Jump both door hinges
3 & 4 Upper then jumped to antenna mirror mount, the lower to A-pillar
5 The mount itself jumped to firewall.
6,7,8 All of those met on the way down to frame rail.
About (7-8) per side.
Then a few on rear to jump cab airbags to frame.
Too many favored as approach was
Not My Truck and I used existing bolts.
— The “someday” of having an antenna analyzer to dial it in not yet here.
In the second image is the cosmetic cover in the first removed.
The last image shows one of at least four (4) different ways I tried to mount the feedpoint choke. Connection to it was weak link.
Running without it was noticeable.
In same way once RF Bond was fully run to frame did noise subside to lowest level.
Best Mobile for me has been regular re-build of this pair of systems (beyond antenna changes) across 6-7 trucks the past seven years.
Not for everyone. It’s a regular maintenance set-up. The idea was to find
an ideal and stay with that given a truck model.
There comes a point one realizes he has the best ears for quite a large radius of miles. The men with better trucks (all metal and VG antenna) haven’t added SNR help in coax system and (at present) don’t have NRC radios.
The ones who may have NRC radios (few for an average) don’t have the ideal truck, and suffer from inadequate antenna solutions.
RF Bonds are where one
has done the best can be done with a given truck model, and now it’s an expensive mop-up to get the last that can be gotten.
Someone wants to disagree, fine:
show us.
Largest group of radio users in the country and ARRL and other worthless associations pretend it’s invisible and has no effect on what matters.
This came glaringly clear during the CV19 hoax as CB is ideal for men wishing to limit contact re buy, sell, trade transactions.
So I figure my contribution is worth something to someone with the same concerns
in lieu of better “theoretical” understanding.
It’s certain the vehicle manufacturers give it least effort. In private vehicles, not at all.