• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

2023 Best Mobile CB


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Post in thread 'Where's the ARRL's vaunted EMCOMM?'
Where's the ARRL's vaunted EMCOMM?

Why one wants CB in family vehicles and at home. AM & SSB.

It is the whole reason I fleshed out this thread as I did:

Who, What, Where & When.

Other services apply, obviously.
Scanner's have their place.

CB is one’s brother or cousins yet unmet.

Citizen Band.

— An NRC radio opens a new world of performance.



Aug 13, 2018
New England
CB is one’s brother or cousins yet unmet.

Citizen Band.

— An NRC radio opens a new world of performance.


When Uniden came out with the PC68 and 78 XL versions, I called the DSC (proprietary “Dynamic Squelch Control”) the Family Peacemaker as it dramatically cut down on static and all things that turned many off to C.B. In fact for years all of the radios I purchased for family members were those with DSC.

Uniden’s DSC made the communication medium much more tolerable for those who would have otherwise turned off the unit….today’s products are game-changers indeed. Even the ASQ on my “Quad Five” is a set-and-forget that my wife appreciates.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
IMG_4367.jpegThe money’s not yet in the budget for another radio so my pickup is getting the pre-NRC L2+ bought in 2021 (a radio introduced circa 2014?). It’s a real step up in SSB performance from yet older radios.

— An 885 Uniden will be fitted at some point, but that’s a project for the future involving more than just a swap.

The point to this post is the PRESIDENT Digi-Mic paired to this radio.

As others have reported:

NRC Level 3
12” from Mic (4” minimum)

This is great whether being held or set for VOX and suspended on its own with hands busy eleswhere. (I use a retractable mic hanger).


I had to do some testing to see how well the antenna system worked before closing access, so used the stock mic and this.

Well worth the expense. It’s not a power mic, but it adds a bit of punch as do they (just not at their larger scale).

Audio Quality is bettered

It’s heavy (in the right way) and the shape plus controls make for easy use. Use with or without NRC engaged.

An upgrade from the stock mic. Clarity is King, so improve an older radio in terms of, Get Heard.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

AT5555-N2 V.2 Short Case

“Short case “upgraded” version of the 5555N2 named to confuse you as AT-5555N2 The facts! The front is the same but behind the front it’s all new, firmware, ideas, thought process, features, but called N2 simply just to confuse you.

(Physical install just got easier).



Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA

AT5555-N2 V.2 Short Case

“Short case “upgraded” version of the 5555N2 named to confuse you as AT-5555N2 The facts! The front is the same but behind the front it’s all new, firmware, ideas, thought process, features, but called N2 simply just to confuse you.

(Physical install just got easier).

Please stop. I was happy with my original 5555 and now I have to get the new one and maybe the new 6666.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
PRESIDENT Washington, bubba. We’d like your take on the features (as well as the other savvy men around here) in re price premium. Talk a buddy into it and “borrow”, right?

I agree as to new product releases. Ha!

Let’s see, a G2 with a fat KL-series for pickup, Wash for travel trailer to switch out with yet others, and the Quad-5 short case for the big truck to enable easy install.

Next month it’ll be . . . .

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
V.2. The new short case

looks good... as I said I am going to take my old grant out of my F-150 and I have a new 5555 N II to put in it..... but it is 2.75 inches longer and that's a lot!... I wish Scott's had measured it.. my old grant is the same width and thickness as the 5555 N II .. it's just that long long body that is going to give me trouble.... my Grant is 9.25 inches tall.... I'm going to have to try to find the length.... if it's the same as my grant I can buy the 5555 N II short and that way, for the most part my base and mobile will basically have the same button layout

I just found a short...... it's 9.88 inches long.... so about 2 inches shorter... ( 3/4 inches taller than my Grant )I could make it work.... but I'll wait and see if there is any trouble with the new 6666 Pro and the 5555 Short.... I never buy a new model radio the first couple years until they prove themselves.
thanks for the info Slowmover

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Came across this quote today):

“Almost all of the work in making a QRP contact is done by the receiving station. Hearing a weak signal takes work . . . . “

“QRP” being extra-low power. 4W CB can be seen that way as it’s really the great amount of noise in the atmosphere (and in some vehicles) which highlights the value of best antenna system plus DSP filtration (NRC) to get CB performance to where it shines.

Overcoming the deficiencies of the other mans radio rig is how I’ve described, What is the goal of the radio system?

To Hear, and to Get Heard, is first and foremost taking solid aim at Best Reception.

These new integrated-NRC radios make all other efforts easier. (RX is the work).

If you’re reading here, IMO, it’s not by accident. Being the single mobile station in a crowd with ears that can hear bears responsibility. Which I’ve categorized earlier as the duty of relaying what’s distant to those who are nearby. And by return post.

Antenna design, mount-type, and location.
“Performance assured”, is easy after those are without compromise.

Your family comes first. Not your convenience leading to a half-assed installation. Oh, I’ll never use it much. True. It might only matter once (the flip side of reading here not-by-accident). Don’t let reach exceed grasp.

As this is 2024 and many are without family . . double-down such that no avenue goes unmapped. Ones future could be that CB-version of QRP capture.

We are advised to avoid crowds. The herd, stampeding. Knowing where and when and how is much the point of High Performance Citizen Band.


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Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
View attachment 144338

Via mobile experience as an OTR truck driver. Several thousand hours annual use.
CB Magazine test of the Wilson 5000 and Sirio 5000 performer

SlowMover as I've said in the past you've talked me into buying a Sirio 5000 Performer..... but I'm a wicked cheap skate and pretty much only buy stuff on sale. I saw this Sirio 5000 Fighter ( say's performer at the on the listing... but if you click on the red one say's Fighter )....... do you think it's the same as the performer? it's $118 after shipping.... I can get the 5000 performer at Walmart for $125.00 with free shipping.... but I like this red antenna's looks better for my Red pick-up truck.
Sirio 5000 Fighter

I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns, New CB's, hot rod parts....) so I won't buy one until after the new year.... but I also saw that Sirio is putting a certificate with their antenna's as Chinese clones have been getting to people and it's impossible to tell if it's from Sirio or China...... have you heard of this problem?
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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
DNJ is whom one would wish to buy, and (it appears to me) it’s the same antenna.

“Authenticity” is a problem for any type of purchase. DNJ is the importer for SIRIO.

Parts for vehicles (sensors, etc) this is huge. On my pickup one treads carefully. No buying from AMAZON or eBay, for instance. Dealer Parts Network or straight to Cummins depending on item.

But I wouldn’t wait. Let’s put it this way: on a purchase contemplated what value would be lost without the acquisition should conditions make it unavailable?

Same for an NRC radio.

What if those same different conditions suddenly made the acquisition contemplated that much more valuable?

The only reason you haven’t seen me upgrade the pickup radio to G2 or Washington is that what’s even more valuable is still ahead of it (deficiencies with pickup & travel trailer; not minor).

With the 2021 Lincoln II V.3 in the pickup I am using the WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO CLEARSPEECH Speaker as necessary, paired with a PRESIDENT Digi-Mic. So that’s GTG. But it hampers what I’d run in the TT.

This is more expensive than the BREEDLOVE #601 on the roof sporting any of several high performance choices in antennas.

Antenna System is king. That is priority in Value and already accomplished.

What radio I run is already covered re DSP (simplification in power & coax system cabling equaling reliability is desired as is a performance boost re SSB beyond basic virtues of modern design).

My son called today after he sent a pic:



“I went to Lowe’s with the intention of buying a couple of hand tools to aid in the installation of the FT891 & Tarheel. But came home with the tool chest and a 300-piece mechanics set as I realized I’m really tired of not having replaced tools stolen a few years back. This installation is HIGH VALUE. So is any work on our new home”.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
The Recent Past

Adjunct Value

PRESIDENT Lincoln II +, V.2 or V.3

As to Best Mobile CB re running the Linc2 in my pickup it’s pretty darn nice, overall. This calendar year has had it in use more days (but not more hours) than in ‘21 or ‘22. (A non-NRC radio).


1). The controls are a bear while moving.
2). The white noise aspect of RX is off-putting.
3). While “best” circa 2012 intro thru 2022 per mobile SSB, it’s not same class as G2 or QT80.
4). It’s a little quirky asked to be consistent (mind of its own; I admire this, actually).
5). The ASC feature I find almost worthless (amount of use).
6). Finicky in pushing an amp.



1). Its head & shoulders above its pre-NRC competitors in sensitive performance.
2). If a signal is captured it’s not only audible, it’s almost as good in audio as someone closer.
3). Wasn’t designed as an 11M radio, the target is closer to Amateurs getting a start with 10/12M.
4). Compact size: it’s very impressive in this given features.
5. Controls quality is great. “Linearity” is better than many.
6). I’d choose another, happily.
7). Can run all brand accessories.

As above, with DSP with outboard devices in addition, it’s impressive. But at $300 + $225 + $50 equalling almost $600 it’s not price competitive any longer.

Reason for Post?

It’s possible that these are now for sale “used” in the NRC-era at attractive prices. A few years on, maybe acquisition would have been desirable (reasons speculative).

The fans of this radio used stationary (POTA-style, parked somewhere with antenna deployed) have many hours into HAM Radio, Jr and it was their DX excursions via Skip which caused me to want one. It doesn’t disappoint. I was concerned the CV19 ruse would be used to affect import items and got one as soon as I could (10-long months).

SHTF, this would be a great radio to have turned-on and tuned-in via base station set-up where reliability coupled to performance givens as a true high performance CB would free up use of an NRC radio to go into a mobile as but one example. Wandering around the place with a Liberty wireless DECT speaker/mic might be “highest value” over being strapped to radio room chair staring at an actually less capable NRC radio.

Were I the one mobile trying to make his difficult way back to home base, concerns about base radio reliability per design & construction were it a Linc wouldn’t be a stressor. It’s a confidence-inspiring radio.

This is the radio which, IMO, is head & shoulders above other AM/SSB radios pre-NRC. And — it’s fair to say — probably more reliable long-term than the low price brands being pushed at us lately.

— I don’t think anyone is giving these away (brand and model rate highly), but if they were . . . .

Its “replacement” (I don’t know if that’s “official”, so-to-speak) is the Washington. Are they perfect feature “mirrors” of each other? I’ll let someone better qualified cover that.


This post is to try to align value with the typical NRC AM/SSB radio of today where bleeding edge performance isn’t the point.

Known Quantity

As I lately run long errands loops into the nearest town or the major metro (25k population on a major traffic E-W Interstate; then to 8-million metro) there’s not anything I’m giving up in general purpose performance compared to NRC given device outboards.

Whether it’s the 32-mile roundtrips or the 100-mile ones, the deficiencies of the other mans radio are overcome and I can Hear, and Get Heard albeit at the higher cost in expense and installation (thus maintenance) a pre-NRC radio rig required. With which I’d ten years experience.

I could dial back what are “deficiencies” (aggravations) compared to the Linc by running my preferred GALAXY DX-959b as the latter was “better” at allowing me to distinguish near from far TX, but were I to stop and erect a portable antenna that preference would cease immediately. The 959 preference is really for big truck only. Which was nation-wide operation. Combined base & mobile, so to speak. VG receiver, but deficient on SSB compared to Linc.

— I also can’t run PRESIDENT accessories on the 959 (wireless speaker/mic; for exiting vehicle out to 100M).

As you can see, the sheer number of controls makes full-use of 959 features a long-term exercise in familiarity to get the most from 1989-spec Hi-Perf.

I “knew” — without having to think about it — what exact control set of changes was required to keep things at what was best. Without days-on-end use in every condition imaginable this familiarity isn’t going to surface.

There are those who’ll tell you that the GNF (Galaxy Noise Filter) was pretty much useless. Or, for SSB only. Wrong. Given the WM DSP Speaker I found the set of control changes to enhance this performer above and beyond what the designers envisioned.

But it’s the Linc that’s in my RAM TurboDiesel.

The Linc is easily a 35W radio. The 959b an FCC 4W. So why isn’t my dual-final 10/12M Galaxy 99 V2 in the pickup?
Good as it is, it’s not as good as the 959b in terms of audio clarity coupled to DSP. For over eight (8) years this was my big truck radio in most cases. It was where my learning curve occurred (ears got trained).

Looks like I’ve gotten pretty far from 2023 Best Mobile, first, and Lincoln Value, second.

The trip back is:

1). I’m very happy to have any of these as I know intimately what they can do.
2). One’s mobile install precedes any radio in importance.
3). Radio Capabilities is — in the end — what wins.

— Were an experienced (licensed) Radio Amateur asked to operate the CB mobile or base of another man which radios of the above would bring a sigh of relief?

So . . . if antennas or supplies to make happen 10 & 12M operation is available? We just got past only a CB.

That operator may someday be you. Or, me.
A family member. A friend.

If a Linc came your way at a very nice price:

A). It may be for a reason not clear today.
B). It may never happen again.

You’d be glad to own it under that scenario as it’s ears lack almost nothing despite “perfect” on-frequency SSB being the NRC trump card past internal DSP where that other radio is features-compatible, generally. (The Quad 5 / QT60 default choice started this thread).

— Working on making the RX audio pleasant would be the task needed. Dialing back RFG is first step, and external speaker mods, second.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

Lack of TX DSP isn’t a hindrance with this radio as it sounds different than the typical CB: it’s crisp in an appealing way.

Add DSP and it’s stunning.


is always the decisive factor in what matters.

The $50 Digi-Mic is an easy first upgrade and goes with all other radios from this brand.
Clarity gets responses.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
And, as follow-up with a thread running same day:

More links in that thread


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Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2010
CB Magazine test of the Wilson 5000 and Sirio 5000 performer

SlowMover as I've said in the past you've talked me into buying a Sirio 5000 Performer..... but I'm a wicked cheap skate and pretty much only buy stuff on sale. I saw this Sirio 5000 Fighter ( say's performer at the on the listing... but if you click on the red one say's Fighter )....... do you think it's the same as the performer? it's $118 after shipping.... I can get the 5000 performer at Walmart for $125.00 with free shipping.... but I like this red antenna's looks better for my Red pick-up truck.
Sirio 5000 Fighter

I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns, New CB's, hot rod parts....) so I won't buy one until after the new year.... but I also saw that Sirio is putting a certificate with their antenna's as Chinese clones have been getting to people and it's impossible to tell if it's from Sirio or China...... have you heard of this problem?

CB Magazine test of the Wilson 5000 and Sirio 5000 performer

SlowMover as I've said in the past you've talked me into buying a Sirio 5000 Performer..... but I'm a wicked cheap skate and pretty much only buy stuff on sale. I saw this Sirio 5000 Fighter ( say's performer at the on the listing... but if you click on the red one say's Fighter )....... do you think it's the same as the performer? it's $118 after shipping.... I can get the 5000 performer at Walmart for $125.00 with free shipping.... but I like this red antenna's looks better for my Red pick-up truck.
Sirio 5000 Fighter

I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns, New CB's, hot rod parts....) so I won't buy one until after the new year.... but I also saw that Sirio is putting a certificate with their antenna's as Chinese clones have been getting to people and it's impossible to tell if it's from Sirio or China...... have you heard of this problem?

CB Magazine test of the Wilson 5000 and Sirio 5000 performer

SlowMover as I've said in the past you've talked me into buying a Sirio 5000 Performer..... but I'm a wicked cheap skate and pretty much only buy stuff on sale. I saw this Sirio 5000 Fighter ( say's performer at the on the listing... but if you click on the red one say's Fighter )....... do you think it's the same as the performer? it's $118 after shipping.... I can get the 5000 performer at Walmart for $125.00 with free shipping.... but I like this red antenna's looks better for my Red pick-up truck.
Sirio 5000 Fighter

I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns, New CB's, hot rod parts....) so I won't buy one until after the new year.... but I also saw that Sirio is putting a certificate with their antenna's as Chinese clones have been getting to people and it's impossible to tell if it's from Sirio or China...... have you heard of this problem?
I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns

CB Magazine test of the Wilson 5000 and Sirio 5000 performer

SlowMover as I've said in the past you've talked me into buying a Sirio 5000 Performer..... but I'm a wicked cheap skate and pretty much only buy stuff on sale. I saw this Sirio 5000 Fighter ( say's performer at the on the listing... but if you click on the red one say's Fighter )....... do you think it's the same as the performer? it's $118 after shipping.... I can get the 5000 performer at Walmart for $125.00 with free shipping.... but I like this red antenna's looks better for my Red pick-up truck.
Sirio 5000 Fighter

I've spent a bundle this month on foolish junk ( new guns, New CB's, hot rod parts....) so I won't buy one until after the new year.... but I also saw that Sirio is putting a certificate with their antenna's as Chinese clones have been getting to people and it's impossible to tell if it's from Sirio or China...... have you heard of this problem?
Well Niceguy71 that tears it! I can't believe you would call guns foolish junkI


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Well Niceguy71 that tears it! I can't believe you would call guns foolish junkI

Maybe it was that tacticool 9mm lever gun that put it over the top; or,


Maybe that even a man with his physical strength finally admitted AR15 is a lost cause given a caliber that can’t reliably produce a one-stop shot past 100M:


Come to his senses it’ll be the one where an AK47 isn’t more reliable, is still in front-line service, and is reliably ignored or downplayed by “gun writer” paid agents as no government wants deplorables with an effective rifle.


Henry Chan should be on every enthusiast list to follow:

A thread where his brother RadioMan cranked up the heat in the echo chamber (they ghost me as they can):

HF Radio to call the splash.
Best Mobile 2023 — here — is RANDY with a headset.
VHF may not have the reach.

What did Col. Cooper keep at the back of the gun safe?
Juuust in case, . . . .

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