A couple of 40's?His guns?
A couple of 40's?His guns?
We also have several packs of coyotes that hang around here too. My neighbor and his boys thin out the pack every so often. Henry makes a fine line of rifles that's for sure.all I bought was a 12 shot Henry lever action, 22 Magnum with 24" barrel, to take care of some coyotes.... the coyotes are so bad here we can now shoot them legally 24/7 ... I go out nightly to take the dog out.. he chases a pack of coyotes a few times a week so I have to carry my handgun.... it's hard to hit a coyote with a Bertta M9 from 200 yards away....... and the coyotes are now getting used to the noise and are now laughing at me...
we'll see who laughs last
You can shoot eastern coyotes/coywolves from inside your home in Massachusetts
Ethics, safety, and fair chase hunting demands people should not be able to bait coyotes and engage in “recreational” hunting from their easy chair next to their window- On this blog we…www.thewildlifenews.com
my local Henry Rifle dealer said every single part on a Henry Rifle ..... every single nut bolt screw spring and even the wood is all ...as he likes to say .....MADE IN THE ..... U ...S of F/N A by American workers.We also have several packs of coyotes that hang around here too. My neighbor and his boys thin out the pack every so often. Henry makes a fine line of rifles that's for sure.
As if anybody will even notice.That isn't a CB! It's an illegal 10 meter rig.
I have MaCom 40 watt speakers, they are hard to beat, even with my bad hearing.@slowmover What is so special about the new Driver Extreme DRX-9010? Why is it better than a Kenwood, Motorola, or any other decently sized speaker?
It’s a strange affectation to advocate that which doesn’t work. What does work is that which gets the job done and not a penny more.As if anybody will even notice.
HK91His guns?
Same with my 1861 Springfield rifle which my great grandfather carried in the civil war and handed down to his descendants. No Italian or Brazilian parts on that one! Its a little slow for coyotes but it does have a wicked bayonet if all else fails. Hmm, the thing is sooo dang long maybe it could be loaded up for CB with a tuner and you could be on the air while hunting.my local Henry Rifle dealer said every single part on a Henry Rifle ..... every single nut bolt screw spring and even the wood is all ...as he likes to say .....MADE IN THE ..... U ...S of F/N A by American workers.
Same with my 1861 Springfield rifle which my great grandfather carried in the civil war and handed down to his descendants. No Italian or Brazilian parts on that one! Its a little slow for coyotes but it does have a wicked bayonet if all else fails. Hmm, the thing is sooo dang long maybe it could be loaded up for CB with a tuner and you could be on the air while hunting.
I could picture that on the dashboard of my work car.I’ve forgotten now how long it took me to get this Erector Set combination put together a few summers back, but it was more than three (3) hours as I rummaged thru boxes.
Some components not shown (in rear).
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I was between jobs and trying to use gear not dedicated to the big truck. Something could go atop a cabinet in the TT (technically a Mobile Installation).
Worked pretty well strapped by seat belt in the pickup.
102” on a QD and coax thru a window, I could somewhat ameliorate that crazy wind whip at 60-MPH
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Permanent antenna and an NRC radio (alone) beat the dog#+& out of trying to keep this all on the same page despite DSP in the audio.
I did, however, earn my Radio Redneckin’ Merit Badge
Dear lord... not even a metal mirror arm to attach an antenna..... looks next to impossible to get a radio system to work in those big rigs.View attachment 172587
Took the approach with my last non-NRC big truck radio to ride in the passenger seat, velcroed atop an APACHE 4800 transport case as I worked up what length risers for the then-new SIRIO 5000 3/8 antennas.
44” solid stainless shafts are what was needed to get them near-vertical with the coils away from the A-pillars. Heaviest antennas I’ve ever run.
View attachment 172588
Feedpoint choke still a weak link (mount), but with transceiver coax-end filter also these became unreal.
NRC radio & DRX-901 speaker this is where I’d get men walking past (engine off, door & windows open) asking if I was listening to VHF (clean audio quality).
That MFJ-945e Tuner was a real help
Plenty of aluminum in the arm under that skin. The mirror head, almost no metal above its base.Dear lord... not even a metal mirror arm to attach an antenna..... looks next to impossible to get a radio system to work in those big rigs.