Johnson COunty freqs:
October 24, 2023
Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554
To Whom It May Concern
Region 24, Missouri, is in receipt of this application from Missouri, State of MOSWIN, requesting a new license
for an FB8/MO8 system, CAPRAD Application Number CAP23101611008014.
Region 24 has performed an analysis of the technical parameters submitted on this application and
determined those technical parameters for the frequency pairs 770/800.00625, 770/800.30625,
770/800.78125, 771/801.23125, 771/801.50625 and 771/801.80625, fall within and satisfy requirements of
Region 24’s plan. The frequencies requested, also fall in the Johnson County allotment of 700 MHz NPSPAC
Region 24 has also verified the technical parameters applied for will pose no interference to any Region 24 or
adjacent region licensees.
Please accept this as Region 24’s letter of support for this application.
Thanks, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Scott Bigham
Scott Bigham, Chairperson
Region 24, 700 MHz, Regional Planning Committee