John McClane
Try a foreign station through irlp.
Myself, I am President of one club, Vice-President of another, Public Information Coordinator for the San Diego Section (which encompasses the two southernmost counties in the state), Public Information Officer for our ARES group and a VE Team Leader, administering examinations twice a month and sometimes more often.
That’s when I hope to be retired.
As it stands now between working and taking care of my family I barely find the time to attend club meetings and get on the air. Just don’t have the time right now. What the Chief (k6cpo) described requires some serious time commitments.
With that said, I need to buckle down and study for my Extra. Would like to start helping with VE testing at some point, (and not be limited to just testing Techs) the local VEs test once a month in my area... I should be able to handle that.![]()
Yeah, I will admit I wouldn't have the time or inclination to be doing all of this if I weren't retired. I found that after I was licensed, the times I was really busy flip flopped from the way it was when I was working. A working person hates Monday and lives for Friday. I'm just the opposite. Friday means that I have to "work" Saturday and Sunday and Sunday means Monday, starting my "days off" is right around the corner (with the exception of evening meetings.)
How can this hobby be boring you say,dont let other hams define the hobby for you define it for your self.10 or 15 years from now... my goodness, GXN- that is some advanced time line... why not embrace one or two of them now-- or look to another niche in the hobby?
Personally, my niche for some time has been my C,X-Band radars. A niece is joining me over her winter break to build something together (she's an Extra Class and a EE major) and track the ISS (Space Station)- this is all her idea -I'm just her 'consultant"
How, with such enthusiasm, can this hobby be boring ?... smiles
This thread is not intended to anger any Hams so please read this as my opinion and hopefully i will get some good feedback. I am looking for encouragement not discouragement or disappointment.
As i sit at my computer typing this and stare at my Motorola Sabre VHF and my Motorola xpr6550 dmr turned off i think about turning it on. I received my Ham ticket 9 months ago. I was hot and heavy for the first month on everyday and now not so much. The club that sponsored the class and test are very into being Hams, years or experience which is great because they answered all of my questions. This thread is not a knock on them at all. I have a few thoughts that I would like to get out there. First difficult thing for me is participating in conversation. Most guys in my club repeater area are retiree's and i am in my early 30"s. I bet i'm not the only one that fits this category. The discussion's on the local repeaters are generally about personal events each guy is having and or radio equipment they are using. I tried leaving my radio on to monitor to pick up lingo and callsigns but the conversations became pure white noise.I eventually stopped monitoring. I know the purpose of Ham is to be an open forum at all times and closed private discussions are not allowed. I just wish there was more group specific conversations , example Sports like ESPN where you can chime in and or listen to a group discuss current sporting events like MLB or NFL ect via a 2way radio. My career is a Firefighter and i wish there was a "Happening now" group which discuss current major events going on in the USA example major fires, major police activity or something that effects a large group of people. I would differently monitor that all the time. I understand everyone is using different equipment but it would be nice to have a group discussion about Motorola or Md380 or whatever which is discussed on this group. I would love to see ham or Digital Ham ( DMR , fusion ect ) have a severe weather group so weather spotters could discuss what they are seeing as they are spotting. That would be an interesting group to monitor for Adrenalin junkies. If you are still reading my post im sure you understand my point. I am just a young ham trying to figure out what the next exciting new way to keep Hams talking could be. I really like talking on a radio but i try to have a purpose driven conversation as much as possible. I do respect the origin of Ham and many of the experienced Hams who still do Morse Code, Packet radio, participate in contests and field days. I just want to create something new that may attract younger Hams and keep them involved. I read articles in ARRL magazine and about the Whats new on the horizon or what can be done to attract a younger crowd. Remember this younger crowd is social media based facebook, instagram, twitter all information passing apps. As for me ,If i didn't love actually playing with and programming radio codeplugs i most likely would have already loss excitement in becoming a Ham. I will say it again this is not a dig on my local club. They are more then helpful. Its more then that , its what is next to keep me and possibly many other young Hams on the radio. Be safe you' all
My career is a Firefighter and i wish there was a "Happening now" group which discuss current major events going on in the USA example major fires, major police activity or something that effects a large group of people.