9 months as a Ham and trying to stay interested

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Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
I see a lot of people complaining about the lack of activity on VHF/UHF. It's got to be a regional thing. When I get up i the morning, the first thing I do is walk into the shack and light off my 2m/440 radio. It's runs all day long on a constant scan of a group of selected repeaters in the county. It's never lacking for activity somewhere.

Also, there are nets every single night of the week, all of which encourage participation by all hams. We have one wide coverage repeater that the owners have set up for new hams to get on the air. The local ARES organization runs a workshop once a month for new hams to get some hands-on training in how to use an Ht and how to make that first contact. The instructors all volunteer their time.

If there's little or no amateur radio activity in your area, then it might behoove you to do something about it. Become a driving force in your area by becoming involved in whatever groups might be around. Myself, I am President of one club, Vice-President of another, Public Information Coordinator for the San Diego Section (which encompasses the two southernmost counties in the state), Public Information Officer for our ARES group and a VE Team Leader, administering examinations twice a month and sometimes more often.

Just like any hobby, what you get out of ham radio is dependent on what you put into it.


Dec 19, 2011
Echo Mike Two-Seven
Myself, I am President of one club, Vice-President of another, Public Information Coordinator for the San Diego Section (which encompasses the two southernmost counties in the state), Public Information Officer for our ARES group and a VE Team Leader, administering examinations twice a month and sometimes more often.

10-15 years from now, I can see myself doing some of that. I am actually looking forward to it! :D
Jun 13, 2018
10 or 15 years from now... my goodness, GXN- that is some advanced time line... why not embrace one or two of them now-- or look to another niche in the hobby?
Personally, my niche for some time has been my C,X-Band radars. A niece is joining me over her winter break to build something together (she's an Extra Class and a EE major) and track the ISS (Space Station)- this is all her idea -I'm just her 'consultant"
How, with such enthusiasm, can this hobby be boring ?... smiles
Lauri :)


Dec 19, 2011
Echo Mike Two-Seven
That’s when I hope to be retired.

As it stands now between working and taking care of my family I barely find the time to attend club meetings and get on the air. Just don’t have the time right now. What the Chief (k6cpo) described requires some serious time commitments.

With that said, I need to buckle down and study for my Extra. Would like to start helping with VE testing at some point, (and not be limited to just testing Techs) the local VEs test once a month in my area... I should be able to handle that. ;)


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
That’s when I hope to be retired.

As it stands now between working and taking care of my family I barely find the time to attend club meetings and get on the air. Just don’t have the time right now. What the Chief (k6cpo) described requires some serious time commitments.

With that said, I need to buckle down and study for my Extra. Would like to start helping with VE testing at some point, (and not be limited to just testing Techs) the local VEs test once a month in my area... I should be able to handle that. ;)

Yeah, I will admit I wouldn't have the time or inclination to be doing all of this if I weren't retired. I found that after I was licensed, the times I was really busy flip flopped from the way it was when I was working. A working person hates Monday and lives for Friday. I'm just the opposite. Friday means that I have to "work" Saturday and Sunday and Sunday means Monday, starting my "days off" is right around the corner (with the exception of evening meetings.)


Dec 19, 2011
Echo Mike Two-Seven
Yeah, I will admit I wouldn't have the time or inclination to be doing all of this if I weren't retired. I found that after I was licensed, the times I was really busy flip flopped from the way it was when I was working. A working person hates Monday and lives for Friday. I'm just the opposite. Friday means that I have to "work" Saturday and Sunday and Sunday means Monday, starting my "days off" is right around the corner (with the exception of evening meetings.)

I am looking forward to that flip flop! Don’t know if I would be willing to take that much on right away though, I anticipate the first few months I would just want to spend waking up everyday and enjoying the fact that I don’t have to work anymore.

I will say this, every 80 to 90+ year old person that still has all their faculties that I have encountered during my travels, I have made it point to ask them “what is the secret?” Every single one has said, “stay busy”.

Your on the right path Chief. ;)


Aug 16, 2018
excellent point made OP. I'm in the Carolinas, but recently made the run up to Ohio to visit family...I always make a fuss over my uncle..telling him I want to tag along with him on his morning coffee where he sits and chats with the other regulars who come in each and every morning...topics are slow and relaxed..might be politics, might be plans to scrape horse hoves that day etc...usually some medical status makes it's way in...at that age...health is in the forefront of everyone's topics. ..anyway.. i joked with him my last visit that., while I'm still young enough to have to do a daily commut into the city for my day job, I get my morning ol guy coffee chat fix by dialing in the local club repeater..where there's always 2 to 5 of em chatting about facebook, and health isues, etc...but I recognize it's important to know about these guys..cause come a day that something goes bad locally..school lockdown, factory disaster, etc.. I'm gonna be grabbing my radio to hopefully get news that is closer/faster/more accurate, than waiting on the news microphone babe and camera truck to roll in from the TV station 30 miles up the road.
no..HAM isn't a daily interest for me either..but I value the knowledge, and the technology..cause ya never know..someday..there might be zombies (grin)..


Jul 16, 2003
Brownsville Texas,On The Border By The Sea.
10 or 15 years from now... my goodness, GXN- that is some advanced time line... why not embrace one or two of them now-- or look to another niche in the hobby?
Personally, my niche for some time has been my C,X-Band radars. A niece is joining me over her winter break to build something together (she's an Extra Class and a EE major) and track the ISS (Space Station)- this is all her idea -I'm just her 'consultant"
How, with such enthusiasm, can this hobby be boring ?... smiles
Lauri :)
How can this hobby be boring you say,dont let other hams define the hobby for you define it for your self.


Sep 30, 2006
Davenport,Fl.- home to me and the gators and the s
What Michael posted above is about the best way to do it.
You look for what interest you, what's appealing and work from there.
I find that amateur radio isn't boring to me because of the many avenues involved with ham radios.
Here in central Florida, it's very diversified; there's the experimenters, the dedicated HF operators, the 2 meter 70 centimeter only, etc.
Look for what YOU want, this will help you to define and enjoy the amateur bands.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Geezer Radio

This thread is not intended to anger any Hams so please read this as my opinion and hopefully i will get some good feedback. I am looking for encouragement not discouragement or disappointment.

As i sit at my computer typing this and stare at my Motorola Sabre VHF and my Motorola xpr6550 dmr turned off i think about turning it on. I received my Ham ticket 9 months ago. I was hot and heavy for the first month on everyday and now not so much. The club that sponsored the class and test are very into being Hams, years or experience which is great because they answered all of my questions. This thread is not a knock on them at all. I have a few thoughts that I would like to get out there. First difficult thing for me is participating in conversation. Most guys in my club repeater area are retiree's and i am in my early 30"s. I bet i'm not the only one that fits this category. The discussion's on the local repeaters are generally about personal events each guy is having and or radio equipment they are using. I tried leaving my radio on to monitor to pick up lingo and callsigns but the conversations became pure white noise.I eventually stopped monitoring. I know the purpose of Ham is to be an open forum at all times and closed private discussions are not allowed. I just wish there was more group specific conversations , example Sports like ESPN where you can chime in and or listen to a group discuss current sporting events like MLB or NFL ect via a 2way radio. My career is a Firefighter and i wish there was a "Happening now" group which discuss current major events going on in the USA example major fires, major police activity or something that effects a large group of people. I would differently monitor that all the time. I understand everyone is using different equipment but it would be nice to have a group discussion about Motorola or Md380 or whatever which is discussed on this group. I would love to see ham or Digital Ham ( DMR , fusion ect ) have a severe weather group so weather spotters could discuss what they are seeing as they are spotting. That would be an interesting group to monitor for Adrenalin junkies. If you are still reading my post im sure you understand my point. I am just a young ham trying to figure out what the next exciting new way to keep Hams talking could be. I really like talking on a radio but i try to have a purpose driven conversation as much as possible. I do respect the origin of Ham and many of the experienced Hams who still do Morse Code, Packet radio, participate in contests and field days. I just want to create something new that may attract younger Hams and keep them involved. I read articles in ARRL magazine and QRZ.com about the Whats new on the horizon or what can be done to attract a younger crowd. Remember this younger crowd is social media based facebook, instagram, twitter all information passing apps. As for me ,If i didn't love actually playing with and programming radio codeplugs i most likely would have already loss excitement in becoming a Ham. I will say it again this is not a dig on my local club. They are more then helpful. Its more then that , its what is next to keep me and possibly many other young Hams on the radio. Be safe you' all

Yes, other than the excitement that comes with Skywarn, Disaster relief, etc., the conversations I've heard on the Ham bands are extremely boring. To each his own. I started to get my license & decided against it. I wonder what the mean age of U.S. Ham operators? I would guess around age 50 or older.

Regardless of the content of the conversations, Ham operators are a largely responsible group of folks who provide a unique service. My hat goes off to all who help. However, oddly enough, I encountered around twenty in the Texas Prison System where I used to work.

Thanks for your comments.
Jun 13, 2018
Well Fireboat, sounds like you have hit the wall.***
Reading how you've engaged in this hobby, though, would make me feel pretty much the same:
"...........As I sit at my computer typing this and stare at my Motorola Sabre VHF and my Motorola xpr6550 dmr.............."
That, Sweetie, sounds about as much fun as seven hours into an eight hour shift as a radio dispatcher for a Taxi company. You are in a rut.
VHF repeaters and such have their places, but as you have discover'd, they can be the most moribund haunts for a new ham to end up in. There is a reason there are so many geezers on them- these OldF** (and you can be one at any age)-- these guys have either never done the thousands of other more interesting things with their hobby, or burned out of it years ago.
After all, once you've taken that 2 metre thingy out of its box, charged its battery---- now what?... talk on a repearter? and to whom ?
That prospect really gets me all excited, too.
Others have said it; I'll amplify it - get off that VHF repeater stuff and see what a rich world is out there.
I don't know what your license class is, but really---, with the easy-peasy tests there is no reason why everyone shouldn't be at least a General Class. You need to explore HF - whether its 'phone, digital... what ever-
But even as a Tech, there is 10 metre's- too bad the sun spots aren't there, but look at some of the local 10-10 nets. Even in the doldrums, there DX possibilities- and I'll only hint at what can be done with lower power digital VHF moon bounce today, etc. etc.....
Why, as a Tech, nothing is there to stop someone from building a simple 40 metre CW transmitter out of the RF innards of a CFL bulb (one of my niece's a few years ago-- a senior high school science project)-- and 'working the world.'
I hope you find niche your (or two) in this hobby, Fireboat-
But if not, Hey, its not for everyone - and I say that to you too, Ensnared---.
,,,,,, Never the less, I really- seriously- suggest you-all get out of that Taxi Stand dispatcher mentality.
Lauri :)

*** my comments are largely in response to the italicized quote above ---------

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2006
Southeastern Michigan
My career is a Firefighter and i wish there was a "Happening now" group which discuss current major events going on in the USA example major fires, major police activity or something that effects a large group of people.

Some areas have them, more commonly around larger cities. There are groups on Facebook, too, that give reports.

Sent using Tapatalk


Jan 20, 2005
Mpls Mn
I did not read all the post but enough to gist, most of what I'm going say is more of a repeat from being a long time ham- about 30 years I guess now. Some random thoughts below:

As other have said get into some HF work, you don't need to spend a pile of cash to do it.

You noted you were involved with a club, most clubs are open to anything new and or ideas. I know we love when we have someone offer up an idea and run with it.

The past couple of years I have been messing around with those SDR USB sticks, its crazy what those little cheap sticks can do.

I would say I do 90% SWL compared to anything else. The latest is HF aircraft, thought was I better get a listen now before its all gone to something other. Its interesting to me anyway to catch the planes over the Atlantic etc. You can spend a good couple of years going down this rabbit hole.

I enjoy being a VE not as active as I used to be, about 2 time this year, but have 100+ under my belt.

Think what you will find radio will come in and out in your life in many ways, got my ticket out of high school, got married, raised some kids, etc. Just now getting to the point where I'm looking to becoming more active again.

If you take away one thing from my post, get a upgrade to General and or Extra if you have not all ready and keep it current, so easy to keep current these days.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2009
so, I originally created this post over 1 year ago. I am very pleased with the positive information I received. Over the time that has past I have joined and attended my local Ares group meetings and listened to the evening nets. I haven't had the time to complete my General but that will be coming soon. Some members mentioned about the cheaper alternatives to getting on the air. I will be looking into those options. I have purchased the MD2017 and use DMR. I have found that to be a lot of fun. One thing I have found is that there are so many directions one can go in the Ham radio world. Im looking forward to enjoying this hobby for many years to come.



Aug 16, 2018
this thread has been bouncing around in the back of my brain for..well I guess a couple weeks now.

my first instinct was to reply early on by piling-on and saying that I agree...what I've found in my local HAM community ain't exactly crankin my hobby clock.

I then thought..well..just admit that you're one of those zombie prepper guys who only own a radio for that end of the world time when you expect to just turn it on and instantly talk to the survivors over in the UK..just like the movies.

reality is I still have a day job..that's 50hrs a week, and I own a small side biz..that takes me up to 80-90hrs a week..then there's my 4 grown children, their family..and now 8 grandkids
13 acres keeps me busy on the mower etc, a nice boat and camper ensure that I'm out and about enjoying the world with my family, a small motorcycle gives me some personal time riding both dirt and country blacktop.
guitarist with national credits means I still enjoy picking up one..either to play or as part of my collection of vintage guitars and amps, and a nice studio includes audio but also a mid level video system that is allowing me to capture and edit old family movies as well as our current adventures scuba diving, camping, etc.
so..here I am..needing another hobby (grin)...no...I appreciate the kindness and respectful nature of the voices I hear on the radio on my morning drive to work...conversations vary from their opnions (seldom good) of facebook, the new crop of Ford motor company offerings, or their personal poor health...demographics being on the top end of the retirement scale for most folks hitting the local repeater.

and yet.. I'm the guy that doesn't want, nor intend to be that zombie prepper who just buys a CCR and never gets a call sign..heck I'm even honest enough to have a GMRS...so , yes, I've been studying and will take the test later in October..and I'll continue to listen to my elders on the radio...I just have to be honest with myself in that I don't see me making time for this particular hobby to the extent that it, and the other members deserve.

I also recognize different people communicate differently...as you can tell.. I like to write or type...forums, emails... I'm not a guy who will text..my kids are... I'd rather actually talk on my phone..but only when there's a purpose..so general chatter on a radio, just so I can say I'm using a radio...naw.. I have too many folks on my list..my 87yr old mom, my wife, my kids, grands, dear and close life long friends...chances are I'll never actually key-up beyond at least an introduction to the most frequent locals..thanking them for the many miles of casual listening that I've been doing..and hoping that come a bad day...that I can be counted on to have a radio on hand that just might help spread the word ..especially about how to bring down those alien spacecraft (grin)...

seriously..I'm not knockin the hobby.. I'm knocking myself..ya'll are great...truly cool folk here...our world needs less twitters and more hams


Jan 11, 2015
Kingston, ON
Stick with it!

My first thought was UPGRADE. Personally I find repeaters boring. I was licensed in 1990 at the age of 26. At one time I served as vice-president of our local ham club. Our monthly meetings and weekly club breakfasts were held at a local restaurant were the food prices were simply out of this world. Many times it was suggested we switch restaurants, but the old curmudgeons refused to budge. I found the same for club business. They refused to accept that ham radio was evolving and we needed to keep up with the Jones's. So I quit the club, sold my 2m gear and haven't looked back. I still own a dual band HT, just in case. I monitor more than talk, but it's good to have in case of an emergency.

I spend all of my time on HF. SSB, CW, RTTY and digital modes like PSK31, FT8 etc. Lots to keep you busy. And there is always propagation to some part of the world around the clock. I like to built and experiment with antennas and other items pertaining to ham radio. It is a lot of fun.

Not really much else to say, but I think if you upgrade and get access to more bands and modes, your interest will grow.

Good luck.
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