Don't know exactly what it is. I do know that I'm not that interested in pursuing the many angles of ham radio. I think those operators who are really into it go on and explore many of the avenues that are open to them and that's great for them.
I got my license for a limited use while enjoying being outdoors and though I have tuned in and participated in several 2M nets, I find the content mostly not useful to me and some of it just plain difficult to listen to. The view of watching grass grow pales when compared to listening to the paint dry on Joe's shed each day as it finally nears completion...sort of like his slowly drawn out explanation of same. But hey, he's just one guy with a mike.
I also have to admit that the redneck joke of the day (each day) doesn't do anything for me but if it makes the joke teller happy (and some of the listeners I'm sure) then that's a good thing for them if not for me
Bottom line, we all have our reasons for being hams and the off button is close at hand. Basically if one needs convincing of ham's appeal then they may be on the way out of the hobby.
Sounds like you need to find your niche is all. For me, its seeing how far my wire can reach another. With that said, do I go on extended periods where I don't key a ham radio microphone, yep. Part of it is you can only get out so far consistently with a modest set-up like I have, so it can be frustrating to hear nothing but noise at times.
One circumstance that I believe helps me right now with becoming disinterested is the fact that I am relatively young, still raising a family and not retired, so I don't have the time to sit in front of a radio like a retired person would and maybe ultimately get bored with the hobby. With said, I believe once I do retire knowing me, my intrest will more than likely increase because I will have the time to get on the air more and be more involved with my club.
I also enjoy the social aspect of it, activities, etc... I find it a great way to learn and be Elmered by those that have in some cases been hams longer then I have been
At the end of the day, maybe ham radio may not be for you long term, but based on your post at least it is obvious you are trying to stay interested and more importantly getting on the air!
My 2 cents from a guy who has only been in the game going on 3 years and still interested.