996p2 help

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May 25, 2017
Rosman NC
cross posted in the nc section as well.
howdy all.
little update. the 996p2 was bought with the intion of going into my primary pov. i am a lieutenant at my local fd and a paramedic for the county. my pov has a mounted vhf mobile, usually 2 vhf handhelds, and i usually have my pager as well. the intention was program my local stuff ( my dept has 2 tac channels) so if needed i can have scanner on one channel, 1 handheld on another, and mobile on main county frequency for command and management purpose. seems you never have enough radios when ur trying to run command. i also wanted nc viper capabilty so i can monitor nc hart, em, and fire viper, as well as sc hart because we border sc. i also listen sometimes to er call in if i am not on the ems unit and ran a bad one at the fd. my parents both live in different counties. one uses 700 trunking. the other uses uhf. kinda like listening and know what going on when i go see them. long drawn out explanation to why i am asking the same question again.

after watching numerous youtube videos, reading the wiki so many times my eyes crossed and anything else i could find i can not figure out how to do quick keys.

example local ems and fire conventional on quick key 1. local viper on quick key 2. nc hart on key 3. i cant figure it out.
my backup pov has a radio shack pro 97 in it and it was a breeze. i have been working on this for abut a year and i want to blow the scanner up. can someone help please. i learn best by having someone show me once or twice and then im usually good.
thank you
Lieutenant Henderson


Central MN Monitor
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2016
Sauk Centre, Minnesota
First off, admins usually dont like cross posting.
anyway, there is two tiers to the 996 - systems and groups - each can have its own qk. If you dont set a qk everything is scanned
I believe the qk options are under system options and group options respectively

to turn a qk on or off - System qk 0-9 just press number on keypad. 10-99? press .no and number
Group qk i find are hard to set if im scanning a lot of stuff. I prefer to make sure only one system is scanning.
Procedure is the same except you press the function buttom - big round knob - and only range from 0-9
hope that helps


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
seems you never have enough radios when ur trying to run command.

Well. . .

I found that in 30 years of being a fire chief, more often than not, you can have too many radios when you are trying to run command. You devote too much attention to stuff that may not be applicable and end up losing site of the big picture. Also when communications for the typical incident were conducted on multiple channels, folks were missing some calls because they were listening to a wrong channel. Kind of like that old "Span of Control" concept - if you have more than 5-6 people reporting to you, it's a little much.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
When you PGRM a system by hand you choose the system then like the man above said you get to "system options" and "set quick key", press "E" then turn big dial to 1-99 and press"E"
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