A bit of news on the R8600 / R30

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 8, 2002
Boston, Ma

Thanks to N9EWO, I was able to find the CI-V manual for the R8600. I must say it has an impressive amount of remote commands and access to decoded information in the various digital modes. I like that you can read scope data much like you can on the AOR AR-Alpha I have. Now if only Icom would release their IQ format documentation and driver.

73 Eric


Premium Subscriber
Nov 8, 2002
Boston, Ma

It is interesting comparing the receiver part of the IC-7300 manual with the IC-R8600 manual. I would not be surprised if the processor and HF receiver sections are the same between the IC-7300 and IC-R8600. The VHF/UHF receiving section replaces the transmitter section. The menus look similar with similar selections on common items.

The maximum scope span is 500 KHz on the IC-7300, which makes sense for Ham HF bands. A 2.5 MHz span on the IC-R8600 is still useful, although 5 MHz is handy for looking at UHF (450 to 455 MHz or 460 to 465 MHz). The IC-7300 has an audio scope function that does not appear in the IC-R8600 manual.

They both have three IF filter bandwidths per mode, but it appears other bandwidths can be set for SSB, CW, RTTY, and AM. They both implement a Twin PBT similar to older analog receivers. The two commercial DSP-based HF receivers I own implement IF Filters and IF Shift differently. One gives you up to 56 bandwidths with the option to remove bandwidths from the selection menu. The other allows you to define parameters for a filter and add it to the list. It appears Icom limits you to a maximum of three bandwidths per mode.

73 Eric

I posted in this thread to follow up on the Maximum Scope Span after I have gotten a chance to use the R8600. I missed that the numbers are plus and minus the center frequency. The R8600 scope can display a maximum of 5 MHz of spectrum, 2.5 MHz above and 2.5 MHz below the center frequency. It is a reasonable maximum for VHF/UHF. I can see the reason the IC-7300 scope can only display a maximum of 1 MHz of spectrum. It is a practical maximum for HF.

73 Eric

73 Eric


Jun 18, 2010
Mojave Desert, California, USA
Just guess work here, but the -7300 has more BPFs than the -8600, it may have taken Icom a bit of effort to come up with a BPF scheme that allowed wide bandwidths while still being effective. Since the -8600 is actually meant to be used as such and the -7300 is more focused on ham operation they may not have put that same effort into the -7300 thinking there were few users who would benefit.

On the small display of the -8600 on HF I seldom use wider than +/- 250 kHz, and often only +/- 50 or 100 kHz, but on other SDRs, where I can display on a large screen, I often use very wide displays, 1, 2, 4, or even 10 MHz are not unused here. And on the WinRadio G3X series I really like the 0-30 MHz wide waterfall, I use it a LOT.

But on VHF/UHF I use +/- 2.5 MHz on the -8600 often.

Like I said, if Icom would bring out a way to mirror the front panel to a large screen that would be awesome.



Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Well, now I've gone and done it.....yikes. This was a blow the wad purchase if there ever was, but boy do I miss having a good solid hardware receiver in the shack. I'm disappointed by the lack of DMR but will overcome that one way or another and hold out some hope that Icom will see the light and add it down the road. If not there are always alternatives.

It is comforting to have some of the RR "heavy hitters" on board with this apparent gem of a receiver. This has been an exceptionally informative thread, as have others. I hope I'll eventually be able to contribute in some small way. Now, I won't blame you guys for strong arming me into the purchase but you sure did do some virtual arm twisting... :D
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