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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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ADP Encrpytion garbled traffic


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
Aggravated that according to sales ADP is acceptable but in practice it has not been safe and functional to use.
ADP offers little protection is a weak(only 40bit keyspace, broken algorithm, that offers less security than 56 bit DES. Essentially keeps only scanners from receiving. In reality, it's as secure as old analogue rolling code voice inversion.


Feed Provider
May 11, 2016
Philpot, KY
ADP offers little protection is a weak(only 40bit keyspace, broken algorithm, that offers less security than 56 bit DES. Essentially keeps only scanners from receiving. In reality, it's as secure as old analogue rolling code voice inversion.
Agreed but our radios do not support AES, only ADP. That was how the system was setup and it would be a million dollar add at this point to upgrade to AES so that is not an option at this point. What might be an option is setting up a new talkgroup that is AES encrypted that is only used by the pagers. The concern is if we would experience the same issues with Unication pagers on an AES encrypted talkgroup with the same signal strength we have now.


Dec 22, 2013
What version of PPS is this you are showing? I am using V0.4.0.41 and on some custom firmware from support in the v2.04 range and I am not seeing the same settings. To get any support they require me to be using latest PPS and new firmware.
I am not a Unification or PPS user. That was a manual from the internet.

I forgot to ask you one more question. Have you ensured that you have no scanning options turned on when doing this testing. Seems pretty basic, but I have to ask.


Dec 22, 2013
ADP offers little protection is a weak(only 40bit keyspace, broken algorithm, that offers less security than 56 bit DES. Essentially keeps only scanners from receiving. In reality, it's as secure as old analogue rolling code voice inversion.
It begs the question in my mind, how very secure the AES is when you must port the key from the host system (trusted?) to a third party software to program the Unification pagers? I assume those third party SW and HW are lacking FIPS certification?


Dec 22, 2013
Ok. The PPS software has changed drastically over the past couple years so those options no longer exist best I can tell.
From my perspective (as a well renowned idiot) I have to wonder if the pagers are slipping between clear and coded reception due to signalling bits being corrupted, and while doing so are forced into default clear mode for a brief period, thus not being able to error correct the encrypted stream.


Feed Provider
May 11, 2016
Philpot, KY
Just as a final update on this we have decided we have to abandon encryption. We were never able to get past that 90% mark and it is a safety issue wirh a portion of our call details being lost to the garbled traffic. It continues to come back to signal interference/ low signal strength county wide where the pagers cannot not correct themselves quickly. Frustrated but we did all the testing we could based on the sysyem design we were handed.


Dec 22, 2013
Just as a final update on this we have decided we have to abandon encryption. We were never able to get past that 90% mark and it is a safety issue wirh a portion of our call details being lost to the garbled traffic. It continues to come back to signal interference/ low signal strength county wide where the pagers cannot not correct themselves quickly. Frustrated but we did all the testing we could based on the sysyem design we were handed.
Really sounds like a Unication product design issue. The intent of the digital modulation schemes like P25 and ETSI DMR. was to be able to convey digital encryption at same reliability as clear.