Adventures with CW

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Aug 8, 2017
Good day fellow hams and those interested in the hobby. Mike - W9ODX here from the Central Indiana area. About three months ago I decided that I wanted to venture out from the world of VHF/UHF repeaters and explore the world of HF (since I am a new upgrade to the General class license). There are so many different modes out there to use, but I thought why not try CW first? There is so much history around the story of Morse code, how and why it was created, the numbers of lives it helped save at sea, and how it evolved into the Morse code we use today for ham radio. I'm a history nerd, so why not?

If you would like to follow my progress with learning and using CW on the air, check out my blog at:

My hope is that by sharing my stories and adventures with you, it will encourage you to set down the HT, dive into the world of HF radio, learn Morse code, and start your own adventure with CW.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime, I'm here to help!

72 de W9ODX - Mike


Aug 8, 2017
Thanks Bob! I was looking for an active forum to join for ham radio and glad I found this one.

I had a great time on Saturday and received a lot of positive feedback about the gathering. You don't need much to have fun with ham radio. 5 watts, a battery for power, and a wire antenna and we were making contacts.

As a recently upgraded general class op I'm sharing my stories and adventures with QRP and CW to encourage other new hams to join the fun. There is more to ham radio then HT's and repeaters. There is a whole world waiting to be explored and ham radio is a fun way to do it! I hope others will read my stories and adventures and then share theirs as well.

Due to popular demand we will be doing our QRP gatherings on a monthly basis.

72 de W9ODX Mike
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