I could create an appropriate subcategory for the wide area talkgroups if someone (other than Jay911 due to NDA) could give me some guidance.
Calgary 911 'owns' the tac channels 1-13 and dispatch West, East and Spare.
Eventually most, if not all, rural fire agencies that C911 dispatches will be using these channels.
Currently the following agencies use these channels:
Dispatch West: Cochrane (151), Bighorn (167, 168, 169), RVC stn 101, 102, 103, 105 and Redwood Meadows (120).
Dispatch East: Crossfield (154, also still uses their UHF channels), Chestermere (116), RVC stn 107, 108, 111 and Beiseker (130).
Most dispatchers allocate TAC channels 1-6 to West and 7-13 to East calls, however this is dispatcher dependant and not protocol/set in stone.
For now, Tsuut'ina Nation (145), Stoney Nakoda (165), Kananaskis (96) and Canmore will remain on their own separate dispatch channels.
The next departments going over in the future are 145 and 165 (however, no timeline).
Most agencies will keep their own AFRRCS channels and have repurposed them for internal communications.