Radio failure
I think Motorola and the citys communications dept are both at fault. I do agree that some tac channels such as fireground shall not be encrypted. And we all should know that what ever type of radio it is, basements alwys reak havc with communications. The city should have test their radios, portables first in every cirtical situations and especially in basements. This should have been done as a precaution to officers saftey slash firefighters saftey, espically considering past history with trunked 800mhz radios. I do feel motorola however should take some blame as well, as far as not attempting to fixed the prosed prolbem knowing that it could cause death. It does not seem like a very good stand point for them as a company overall. And what good is a command scene if the officers or firefighters can reach there engine company or command van much less the communications center. My next question is why not create a fail safe conventional frequency on the trunked portable attached to a mobile on site repeater, its not like they can not afford it. Now the city has to pay for funneral costs and issuarnce liability to the familes, all because precautions were not put in place. This will contuine to happen unless someone starts making a stance for radios to be tested properily. If the portable fails especially in a major city like this, why even brother proceding with the mobiles or other consoles for that matter. Trunked system were designed to relieve the congestion, not make more prolbems. Training is always requried when operating a 3,000 dolar radio, but how fast can you train when your used to a conventional system and are being forced into in a time line. I known serveral agencies that have made the switch, but uniqually keep that conventional radio in the emergency break glass case if requried. Always keep one analog conventional channel up, just for this reason. I hate to be the communication director who has to try and expalin this one, because some one failed to do their homework. But, before we put the finger just on one person, maybe the situation is a tad bit more complicated then first seen. Everyone in this incident did somthng that was wrong on some level, who gits the worst level of assigned to them.
And no I do not care for motorola radios (blaming is a two way street), because of customers stories and reputation that are leading them these days. Were not talking about the bricks that could take a beating anymore, were talking about cheapily made computer chips that do fail at times not crystals. Something to think about as well and lapels that cost 100 dollars. One wresting incident of taking done a subject or carring a fire victim out and the lapel drops their goes 100 dollars, try explain that one to your Lt. or in the police world shift supervisor either coroporal or sgt.
Thanks for the space for the rant, and hopefully one day we can save people instead of running anarchy through civil ligation, because of imporper steps taken on both parties. Instead of killing people, lets try and save them instead.
Puzzling, encrytped fireground channels on every level. Merci channels and ambulances to hospitals are and a different story all together.