I don’t think so, my gain is calibrated so I can hear an air traffic control frequency at low height a few miles away (useful reference) as well as tuning the brazilian pirates on UFO sats. I don’t really listen to either of these much, but both serve as a practical metric of if my listening post is doing well on weak signals.I live only 0.8 miles form an FM broadcaster with no big problem though I do use an FM broadcast filter. Gain set too high?
Everyone’s listening environment is different and although my FM broadcasters are slightly further than you, I have several to contend with. Also, being near the gulf and its humid air, we get a fair number of tropo band openings as well that can pipe in distant signals at local/nearby levels. Additionally, it is possible your broadcast filter is better than mine. I have a stridsberg unit, but perhaps someone like mini-circuits has one with greater attenuation.
In any event, with these filters, my airspy performance is commendable (I can receive fighters training in the gulf about 300 mi away if over 30k feet), which I think is pretty good for a $150 receiver connected to an pre-amped 8 port splitter (sirio 100mhz + discone at 30 feet).