albany/renns area unknowns

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Jul 8, 2002
Many of the Airports across the country are using both the Motorola P25 radios as well as the new smaller ICOM on the same frequencies but analog with Speech Inversion.

Many even use the input to the repeater for the simplex ops. [Something to keep an eye out, especially when/if they add more Mili-wave Scanners]

TSA is using p25 in albany.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
Latham, New York
Here are some unknowns I found searching around last evening after work using my PRO-97 and rubber duck antenna:

462.125 (DCS 411) - in the past I have been monitoring MotoTrbo on this channel; a lot of it. However, last night there were taxi cabs on this repeater. Locations of Latham, Colonie and Guilderland and a lot of traffic. All units using some type of ANI. I'm kind of leaning towards Capitaland Taxi (Colonie-Guilderland). The channel they had been using (463.500 LTR 12) has been quiet, and did not have any activity last night either.

463.850 (141.3) - drop-offs in Schenectady. Not sure if this is a taxi company or a medical transportation service.

462.400 (LTR Talk Group 0-09-141) - part of the Goin' Mobile Willard Mountain system. Taxis in Saratoga Springs and surrounding area. Not sure which company, possibly Capitaland Saratoga?

452.775 (LTR Talk Group 1-05-019) - part of the Wells Communications Service Willard Mountain system. Taxis in Saratoga Springs and surrounding area. Also unsure which company.

463.225 (LTR Talk Groups 0-09-196 and 0-09-211) - part of the Business Radio Communications Grafton system. Speech inversion scrambling used. I'm guessing one is base to mobile and the other is mobile to base; they toggle back and forth as such. Due to the hour of the night I figure its a Taxi or Livery service (around midnight).

452.675 (LTR Talk Group 0-10-008) - part of the Wells Communications Service Pinnacle Mountain system. Only one transmission advising buses the next run would start at 2am. No one answered this transmission, and the group remained quiet until I turned the radio off.

451.400 (LTR Talk Group 0-07-200) - part of the Business Radio Communications Rensselaer system. Taxi cabs, sounded like they were in Albany (possibly returning to their 'area'), but in the past locations in East Greenbush and Rensselaer were given.


Two of your unknows correspond to my unknown taxis #23 and #25. The rest might be relocations of other previously unidentified companies. Taxi companies seem to switch radio systems fairly often around here.


Jun 1, 2005
Albany NY
461.1625 ct 67.0 channel 7
461.2125 ct 67.0 channel 8
Tower Crane at NYS Capitol uses channel 7
Other cranes use channel 8 (When there)


Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
Latham, New York
Dave, do you still maintain your CAP-IT lists? Did they get migrated over to RR? I have quite a bit of data to transfer. Some stations are identified, and some aren't.
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I don't know whether or how those lists might have been transferred. I still maintain my version here, though, if you want to send something over.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
Latham, New York
Here is a list of 'unidentified' channels I have logged from home. Sorry, but the data was in table format and it didn't quite transfer over well.

Frequency Tone Info System Information Log Date

151.625 67.0 Simplex 6-30-11

151.625 88.5 Simplex 6-23-11

151.760 DCS 565 Simplex 10-25-11

151.940 DCS 155 Simplex 5-5-11

152.330 94.8 Repeater 2-1-11

152.330 141.3 Repeater 2-1-11

152.930 179.9 Repeater (?) 2-1-11

152.930 DCS 156 Simplex 11-18-11

155.085 107.2 Repeater 11-22-11

155.085 203.5 Repeater 10-12-11

156.0975 146.2 Simplex with Speech Inversion Scrambling 11-18-11

157.935 103.5 Repeater 10-13-11

158.325 114.8 Simplex 10-12-11

159.540 118.8 Simplex 10-12-11

451.975 127.3 Repeater 10-31-11

452.075 131.8 Repeater 11-21-11

458.100 CSQ Digital Transmissions 9-9-11

460.9875 CSQ Digital Transmissions 5-4-11

461.050 192.8 Repeater 11-22-11

461.050 DCS 431 Repeater 6-23-11

461.600 118.8 Repeater 5-20-11

461.700 82.5 Repeater 8-26-11

461.700 179.9 Repeater 2-1-11

461.700 DCS 516 Morse Code ID 5-25-11

461.7125 PassPort Repeater 2-14-11

461.825 110.9 Repeater 11-23-11
• 11-23-11 – 500, 527 – drive towards Pownal

461.875 156.7 Repeater 11-23-11

461.875 179.9 Repeater 5-25-11

461.900 162.2 Repeater 11-18-11
• 11-18-11 – Base, 5230

461.925 103.5 Repeater 11-18-11
• 11-18-11 – Argyle, Granville

461.925 151.4 Repeater 5-10-11

462.0375 DCS 445 Repeater 11-8-11

462.125 DCS 411 Repeater 11-23-11
• 11-23-11 – Taxis with locations in Latham and Guilderland

462.150 82.5 Repeater 5-28-11

462.175 DCS 712 Repeater 5-20-11

462.300 162.2 Repeater 10-19-11

462.425 114.8 Repeater 11-18-11

462.450 100.0 Repeater with Morse Code ID 11-23-11
• 11-21-11 – FedEx Express at 2 | looking for the keys to the Ford

462.5625 74.4 Simplex 11-7-11

462.575 123.0 Repeater 11-22-11

462.575 167.9 Simplex 8-26-11
• 8-26-11 – crane operations?

462.575 DCS 244 Repeater 5-20-11
• 5-20-11 – CP43, CP Base – radio check

462.6125 67.0 Simplex 10-4-11

462.675 DCS 503 Simplex 2-11-11

462.6875 CSQ Simplex 10-31-11
• 10-31-11 – testing alarms in apartment 118 – fire and pull cord

463.375 118.8 Repeater 11-21-11
• 11-21-11 – mention of Manchester Fire Station

463.400 151.4 Repeater 5-20-11
• 5-20-11 – school buses

463.425 127.3 Repeater 10-27-11

463.525 218.1 (?) Repeater 4-1-11

463.600 DCS 226 Repeater 8-11-11

463.650 203.5 Repeater 10-4-11

463.700 110.9 Repeater (?) 4-1-11

463.775 162.2 Repeater 10-20-11
• 10-20-11 – tow trucks, Colonie locations

463.850 141.3 Repeater 11-23-11

463.950 DCS 243 Repeater 10-25-11

464.150 131.8 Repeater 3-9-11

464.175 94.8 Repeater 11-7-11

464.175 114.8 Repeater 10-31-11

464.175 151.4 Repeater 2-1-11

464.225 DCS 632 Repeater 3-3-11

464.250 77.0 Repeater 11-7-11

464.350 94.8 Repeater 11-7-11

464.500 146.2 Simplex 6-30-11

464.500 CSQ Digital Transmissions 3-11-11

464.550 100.0 Simplex 2-14-11

464.550 167.9 Repeater 10-11-11

464.550 173.8 Simplex 10-27-11

464.550 192.8 Simplex 11-22-11

464.600 DCS 226 Repeater 11-23-11

464.600 DCS 411 Repeater 10-31-11

464.650 DCS 114 Repeater 3-9-11

464.650 CSQ Digital Paging 10-31-11

464.9375 MotoTrbo Digital Voice 11-1-11

467.100 203.5 Simplex 10-19-11

467.125 DCS 411 Simplex 11-18-11

467.850 DCS 754 Simplex 11-7-11

469.2625 DCS 754 Simplex 10-19-11

469.550 167.9 Repeater 11-22-11

855.2875 136.5 Repeater 8-26-11

938.5375 CSQ Digital Transmissions 4-14-11

*** End of Log ***


154.815 MHz, CTCSS 173.8 Hz

This frequency is licensed to the City of Rensselaer and to Saratoga County. The adjacent "splinter" channels are not licensed in New York, so I'm sure it is on-frequency traffic.

I heard unit-to-unit comms for a short time the other day. The conversation gave no indication of location.

Confirmed as Rensselaer County Sheriff as of this morning.

Odd thing - usually decodes 173.8, but occasionally I get 167.9 also.
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