Here are some unknowns I found searching around last evening after work using my PRO-97 and rubber duck antenna:
462.125 (DCS 411) - in the past I have been monitoring MotoTrbo on this channel; a lot of it. However, last night there were taxi cabs on this repeater. Locations of Latham, Colonie and Guilderland and a lot of traffic. All units using some type of ANI. I'm kind of leaning towards Capitaland Taxi (Colonie-Guilderland). The channel they had been using (463.500 LTR 12) has been quiet, and did not have any activity last night either.
463.850 (141.3) - drop-offs in Schenectady. Not sure if this is a taxi company or a medical transportation service.
462.400 (LTR Talk Group 0-09-141) - part of the Goin' Mobile Willard Mountain system. Taxis in Saratoga Springs and surrounding area. Not sure which company, possibly Capitaland Saratoga?
452.775 (LTR Talk Group 1-05-019) - part of the Wells Communications Service Willard Mountain system. Taxis in Saratoga Springs and surrounding area. Also unsure which company.
463.225 (LTR Talk Groups 0-09-196 and 0-09-211) - part of the Business Radio Communications Grafton system. Speech inversion scrambling used. I'm guessing one is base to mobile and the other is mobile to base; they toggle back and forth as such. Due to the hour of the night I figure its a Taxi or Livery service (around midnight).
452.675 (LTR Talk Group 0-10-008) - part of the Wells Communications Service Pinnacle Mountain system. Only one transmission advising buses the next run would start at 2am. No one answered this transmission, and the group remained quiet until I turned the radio off.
451.400 (LTR Talk Group 0-07-200) - part of the Business Radio Communications Rensselaer system. Taxi cabs, sounded like they were in Albany (possibly returning to their 'area'), but in the past locations in East Greenbush and Rensselaer were given.