Recent Michigan BCB logs
I've been hitting the dials heavy during sunrise skip looking for south pacific stations. With that pursuit came these new western domestic logs from recent mornings. Logged in Michigan on the Perseus SDR + phased BOG antennas:
560 KLZ Denver, CO. - 1100 UTC 9/10/2012 - Poor under dominant WIND with website mention "" (KLZ's website) and partial call letter IDs.
710 WTPR Paris, TN. - 1025 UTC 9/8/2012 - With oldies music and frequent IDs between songs as WENK/WTPR, live local DJ between songs! Dominant signal.
740 KATK Carlsbad, NM. - 1100 UTC 9/6/2012 - Easy listening music then nice TOH ID with call letters, city and "America's Best Music" followed by ABC News.
740 KVOX Fargo, ND. - 1059 UTC 9/9/2012 - TOH ID with "740 The Fan" slogan and FOX Sports, mixing with WVLN (who is usually heard here at this time).
790 KFGO Fargo, ND. - 1100 UTC 9/8/2012 - Good TOH ID and into CBS News over WBBM IBOC.
810 KLVZ Brighton, CO. - 1100 UTC 9/9/2012 - With very weak TOH ID and into religious program.
810 KGO San Francisco, CA. - 1059 UTC 9/10/2012 - Faint but clear and on top of the channel with local weather forecast and legal ID at TOH.
810 KHz KGO San Francisco MW DX heard in Michigan Perseus SDR - YouTube
1010 KXXT Tolleson, AZ. - 1100 UTC 9/9/2012 - With local religious programming and interview, Phoenix area churches mentioned with addresses, spots for "" which directs to KXXT's website. Promo for new show "Arizona At Work" with a couple of nice call letter IDs. Very good signal for about 10 minutes.
1210 WSBI Static, TN. (city name is fitting) - 1059 UTC 9/10/2012 - Spanish language ID at TOH, with city and state, call letters read in English, poor.
1230 KWSN Sioux Falls, SD. - 1059 UTC 9/9/2012 - Poor, with FOX Sports Radio, TOH ID and mention of Sioux Falls and Backyard Broadcasting (owner).
The icing on the DX cake was this reception of Tahiti on 738 KHz, the best I've ever heard from my location:
738 KHz Polynésie 1ère Tahiti Received in Michigan on Perseus SDR - YouTube
Australia was also heard on 702 KHz, albeit very faint, but also the best I've heard it here (it's usually only a weak heterodyne). You'll need headphones for this one:
702 KHz ABC (2BL) Sydney, Australia Heard in Michigan Medium Wave DX Perseus SDR - YouTube