Amazon 436 Warning


Feb 12, 2006
Pinellas County FL
If you’re planning on purchasing a unit in 436 from Amazon, make sure you check your serial number once it arrives.

On cyber Monday, I was checking prices throughout the day for the BCD436HP. About mid afternoon I checked and they had the 436 new for $446 that was shipped from and sold by I got my delivery on Tuesday afternoon and after opening the box, I noticed that everything looked to be in good condition, however, I noticed the plastic that is normally over the screen was missing, and the BNC adapter was also open. Whenever I flipped over the unit to look at the serial number that’s when I knew I had a big problem. The serial number started with 376Z5. For those who may not be aware, this means the scanner was manufactured in 2015. I don’t know if someone purchased a new scanner and sent back their old scanner or if there is a vendor that’s selling through Amazon that is pushing out older refurbished scanners as new but either way this was not going to work. I contacted Amazon and they did send me a replacement. It arrived on Thursday afternoon. Everything is packaged correctly and the serial number on this one starts with 376C4 which means it was manufactured in 2024 so all is good, but had I not checked who knows what problems I may have encountered later.

I know most of the seasoned people here are aware of this, but for those new to scanners if you’re purchasing a 436 to figure out the manufacturer date you look at the serial number. 376 are the first three digits and they represent the 436HP. The next two characters are the most important. Z4 through Z0 indicates the scanner was manufactured between 2014 and 2020. C1 through C4 means the scanner was manufactured between 2021 and 2024.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
On cyber Monday, I was checking prices throughout the day for the BCD436HP. About mid afternoon I checked and they had the 436 new for $446 that was shipped from and sold by I got my delivery on Tuesday afternoon and after opening the box, I noticed that everything looked to be in good condition, however, I noticed the plastic that is normally over the screen was missing, and the BNC adapter was also open. Whenever I flipped over the unit to look at the serial number that’s when I knew I had a big problem. The serial number started with 376Z5. For those who may not be aware, this means the scanner was manufactured in 2015. I don’t know if someone purchased a new scanner and sent back their old scanner or if there is a vendor that’s selling through Amazon that is pushing out older refurbished scanners as new but either way this was not going to work. I contacted Amazon and they did send me a replacement. It arrived on Thursday afternoon. Everything is packaged correctly and the serial number on this one starts with 376C4 which means it was manufactured in 2024 so all is good, but had I not checked who knows what problems I may have encountered later.

I think your suspicion that this was an older unit, possibly a "return" from a recent purchase was 'returned for credit' is correct. The 'open' condition of the included accessories, as well as absence of the protective plastic coating over the screen leads to the suspicion that this unit was returned under less than truthful disclosure.

If you have not sent it back just yet, put it into Mass Storage mode and look at some of the files on the SD card. Look at the HPDB directory on the SD card.
(the D:\ drive letter is what mine shows. Depending on however many USB drives or devises you have connected, that could be an E:, F:, or something else.

The dates on the files in the HPDB directory on the card, if this was truly a 'new in box' that escaped previous sale up to this point, should show a file date in 2014. That would apply to the *.hpd database files. If it truly was a 'not sold until now' unit, those file dates would have reflected 2014 as the creation date. Also, the Favorites list folder should have nothing but a "f_list.cfg" file in it. If there is one or more files, with *.hpd file extension, likely with a file date sometime after 2014, then those would be lists that were programmed at some point after initial sale.

The odds on that unit truly being 'never sold previously' are somewhere between slim and none. At least Amazon did the right thing & shipped you a truly new, current production, unit.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
My 2 cents if it were a 2014 original unused 436 it would have also had the BACKLIGHT and TIMECLOCK ISSUE.
Some low life killed their 436 bought a new 436 from Amazon said it did not work for them returned their old 436 in the box got a refund and a new 436 Scanner and sent the old 436 back in the new box.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
$439 after you put it in the cart at MTC in Texas… not sure how long.


Feb 12, 2006
Pinellas County FL
When I saw the date code of 2015 the red flag went off in my head and I immediately put it back in the box. I contacted Amazon by phone and made sure that it was notated that the item I received was not new.

Now I wonder had I actually loaded the SD card into my computer what I would’ve found? I also thought about whether or not the serial number on the box was the same as the scanner but by time this question came to my mind it had already been dropped off at UPS so it was too late.