If you are able, a grab of the control channel data for the Belpre site using Unitrunker would be useful. What we are really looking for is the peer/neighbor information on that particular tab -- both the site IDs and control channel freqs of each neighbor/peer.
Not sure if you can copy any of the Marietta sites from your location -- I think Belpre is pretty much down at the rivers edge and you are probably blocked by a mountain between you and Marietta.. maybe not. But it would be really helpful if you could scan 854 mhz - 862 mhz (using your BCD536HP in search mode) and see what P25 control channels is stops on. And if you find any, gather any info you can from the display.
If you have a dongle, and some time, you really ought to consider playing around with DSDPlus (
www.dsdplus.com ). I think you'd find it to be a pretty interesting program.
At any rate, if there is anything you can do with Unitrunker or DSDPlus to gather neighbor information or information about the Marietta East site, that'd be great.
Check out the map for site frequencies for sites that may be around you
Covering all AR, IN, KY, LA, MI, OH, OK, TN, TX, VA, WV sites. Click in this box to view more Down in the site list, click no the box for the state whose sites you want to see so that those sites will display on the map 1F6 - AEP Ohio System ID 1F7 - Appalachian Power System ID 1F9 - OK...