American Electric Power (AEP) P25 WACN 92715


Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
Had to go to Ada today for work. I took DSD along with a real crappy telescoping antenna.

Below is the output of the DSDPlus.P25data file for the few sites I was able to receive.

  Network: 92715.1F9

  Bandplan #0:   Base=851.        Offset=-45     Spacing=12.5  BW=12.5
  Bandplan #8:   Base=851.        Offset=-45     Spacing=12.5  BW=12.5  Slots=2

    Site: 6.6

    Channel 0-371:    855.6375     CC

    Site: 10.10             ; Leonard

    Channel 0-509:    857.3625     CC

    Site: 12.12  NAC=00C    ; Preston

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-10.10    ; Leonard
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-48.48    ; Sand Springs

    Channel 0-335:    855.1875     CC
    Channel 0-509:    857.3625         SCC
    Channel 0-593:    858.4125         SCC

    Site: 20.20

    Channel 0-329:    855.1125     CC

    Site: 23.23  NAC=017    ; Henryetta

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-10.10    ; Leonard
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-12.12    ; Preston
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-26.26
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-28.28
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-32.32    ; Weleetka
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-49.49

    Channel 0-245:    854.0625     CC
    Channel 0-373:    855.6625         SCC
    Channel 0-513:    857.4125         SCC

    Site: 26.26  NAC=01A

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-6.6
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-32.32    ; Weleetka

    Channel 0-297:    854.7125     CC
    Channel 0-353:    855.4125         SCC
    Channel 0-425:    856.3125         SCC

    Site: 28.28

    Channel 0-311:    854.8875     CC

    Site: 32.32  NAC=020    ; Weleetka

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-26.26
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-28.28
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-49.49

    Channel 0-261:    854.2625     CC
    Channel 0-433:    856.4125         SCC
    Channel 0-505:    857.3125         SCC

    Site: 48.48             ; Sand Springs

    Channel 0-353:    855.4125     CC

    Site: 49.49

    Channel 0-375:    855.6875     CC


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Had to go to Ada today for work. I took DSD along with a real crappy telescoping antenna.

Below is the output of the DSDPlus.P25data file for the few sites I was able to receive.

  Network: 92715.1F9

  Bandplan #0:   Base=851.        Offset=-45     Spacing=12.5  BW=12.5
  Bandplan #8:   Base=851.        Offset=-45     Spacing=12.5  BW=12.5  Slots=2

    Site: 6.6

    Channel 0-371:    855.6375     CC

    Site: 10.10             ; Leonard

    Channel 0-509:    857.3625     CC

    Site: 12.12  NAC=00C    ; Preston

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-10.10    ; Leonard
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-48.48    ; Sand Springs

    Channel 0-335:    855.1875     CC
    Channel 0-509:    857.3625         SCC
    Channel 0-593:    858.4125         SCC

    Site: 20.20

    Channel 0-329:    855.1125     CC

    Site: 23.23  NAC=017    ; Henryetta

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-10.10    ; Leonard
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-12.12    ; Preston
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-26.26
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-28.28
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-32.32    ; Weleetka
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-49.49

    Channel 0-245:    854.0625     CC
    Channel 0-373:    855.6625         SCC
    Channel 0-513:    857.4125         SCC

    Site: 26.26  NAC=01A

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-6.6
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-32.32    ; Weleetka

    Channel 0-297:    854.7125     CC
    Channel 0-353:    855.4125         SCC
    Channel 0-425:    856.3125         SCC

    Site: 28.28

    Channel 0-311:    854.8875     CC

    Site: 32.32  NAC=020    ; Weleetka

    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-20.20
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-23.23    ; Henryetta
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-26.26
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-28.28
    Neighbor: 92715.1F9-49.49

    Channel 0-261:    854.2625     CC
    Channel 0-433:    856.4125         SCC
    Channel 0-505:    857.3125         SCC

    Site: 48.48             ; Sand Springs

    Channel 0-353:    855.4125     CC

    Site: 49.49

    Channel 0-375:    855.6875     CC

You've confirmed Seminole (26.26). I've added it to the DB and have updated peer/neighors on Weleetka and Preston. Thanks!


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN


Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
I'll try to get around to the Vinita area soon to confirm.

I had to go to Pawhuska today for work. No P25 CC to be found. I did find what sounded like EDACS CC on the air still.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Oklahomans (and DXers),

With the exception of some upcoming information from @b1tr41d that should confirm Bartlesville, below is the list of sites observed online (based upon neighbor/peer lists) and their likely location. These sites need to be confirmed.

  1. When I say confirmed, we need primary/alt CCs, NAC, full peer/neighbor list including the frequencies of the peers/neighbors. And we need to be able to confirm (either by all of the active freqs being on an FCC license or a person sitting in front of a tower with their antenna off) the locations. Typically we can confirm the location based upon (a) active frequencies and looking those freqs up in the FCC database and (b) peer/neighbor lists.
  2. The columns below that lists frequencies are the frequencies known to have been active CCs at one time or another for a given site
  3. Peers/neighbors on all sites are likely to change over time as more and more sites come online and until the system is fully built out
  4. There is some indication that at least some of the sites are switching SysID-Site ID from 1F9-##.## to 1FA-##.##. Not sure what to make of that
  5. Be on the lookout for anything with WACN 92715, and SysID 1F9 or 1FA.
  6. Since the CC can change for a given site at any given time, you'll need to look at all frequencies on a site to find a P25 CC. [The current CC may not be one of the ones listed below] I have listed the callsigns for these sites, with direct links to FCC database (to make sure you are viewing most up-to-date info).
Other References:
Google Map
RR Wiki for 1F9

6.6     855.6375        # Blanchard (McClain)           # WPCM976  neighbor of 29 but not 33,41,43   # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 856.2875

7.7   ? 856.9125  prob  # ? Tulsa OK ? (Tulsa)          # WRDK990  neighbor of 10                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 1FA-9.9
7.7   ? 856.9125        # ? Grove OK ? (Delaware)       # WPCB219  neighbor of 10                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 1FA-9.9

9.9     854.7125        # Fort Cobb OK (Caddo)          # WQBN220  neighbor of 43                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 854.7875

15.15   854.7125        # Vinita OK (Craig)             # WPFP340  neighbor of 14                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

17.17 ? 854.7875  prob  # ? Atoka OK ? (Atoka)          # WPSE989  neighbor of 37                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED
17.17 ? 854.7875        # ? Talihina OK ? (Latimer)     # WPSJ897  neighbor of 37                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

18.18   855.9125        # Bartlesville OK (Washington)  # KNNK721  neighbor of 48                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 855.5875

20.20   855.1125        # Calvin OK (Hughes)            # WQBK821  neighbor of 23                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

22.22   855.4375        # Elk City OK (Beckham)         # WPCB227  neighbor of 33                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

27.27 ? 855.7625        # ? Jay OK ? (Delaware)         # WPCB207  neighbor of 48                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 855.1375
27.27 ? 855.7625        # ? Grove OK ? (Nowata)         # WPCB219  neighbor of 48                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 855.1375

28.28   857.8375        # McAlester OK (Pittsburg)      # WPCN200  neighbor of 23,32                 # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 854.8875

30.30   856.3125        # Sayre OK (Beckham)            # WQCI519  neighbor of 33                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 854.0125

31.31   855.0125        # Clinton OK (Custer)           # WPCM973  neighbor of 43                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

40.40   854.8625        # Hobart OK (Kiowa)             # WPCB211  neighbor of 33                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED

45.45   854.6625        # Chickasha (Grady)             # WPCB235  neighbor of 29,43                 # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 857.9125

49.49   855.6875        # Stigler OK (Haskell)          # WPWK927  neighbor of 10                    # NEEDS CONFIRMED     also 854.4625

WPCM976 - Blanchard
WRDK990 - Tulsa
WPCB219 - Grove
WQBN220 - Ft Cobb
WPFP340 - Vinita
WPSE989 - Atoka
WPSJ897 - Talihina
KNNK721 - Bartlesville
WQBK821 - Calvin
WPCB227 - Elk City
WPCB207 - Jay
WPCN200 - McAlester
WQCI519 - Sayre
WPCM973 - Clinton
WPCB211 - Hobart
WPCB235 - Chickasha
WPWK927 - Stigler


Nov 13, 2004
4. There is some indication that at least some of the sites are switching SysID-Site ID from 1F9-##.## to 1FA-##.##. Not sure what to make of that

I was curious if that was a decoding error, or if that has been confirmed by multiple sources.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I was curious if that was a decoding error, or if that has been confirmed by multiple sources.

I think it has only been revealed by one source thus far. But, in the past (in Ohio) they certainly changed SysIDs halfway in. So it very well could be a valid thing happening and not a decoding error. Then again, it could be a decoding error.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
No decoding error. I get Leonard so well that I have to drop the gain down considerably on my SDRs. The SDS200 also shows the 1FA network as well. This has been checked several times over.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
Soooooooooo.... Earlier (4 or so hours) Leonard was showing the 1FA network. Now it is showing again on the 1F9 network.

It is showing different CC / SCC then was was displaying earlier on the 1FA system. (The 1FA was CC:854.7625 / SCC:855.7875) Both those do not show an active CC now.

I think it just likes to keep mtindor busy!



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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Soooooooooo.... Earlier (4 or so hours) Leonard was showing the 1FA network. Now it is showing again on the 1F9 network.

It is showing different CC / SCC then was was displaying earlier on the 1FA system. (The 1FA was CC:854.7625 / SCC:855.7875) Both those do not show an active CC now.

I think it just likes to keep mtindor busy!

View attachment 94282

LOL. I wonder if they had a failure of some equipment, brought in a piece of equipment from elsewhere and reprogrammed it -- and while it was initially online it was showing old info. That might have been what happenned.

I've updated Leonard in the DB back to 1F9-10.10. And I see useful information in the peer list.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Soooooooooo.... Earlier (4 or so hours) Leonard was showing the 1FA network. Now it is showing again on the 1F9 network.

It is showing different CC / SCC then was was displaying earlier on the 1FA system. (The 1FA was CC:854.7625 / SCC:855.7875) Both those do not show an active CC now.

I think it just likes to keep mtindor busy!

View attachment 94282

1F9-7.7 856.3375 might be Pawhuska OK (Osage) - WPCM984


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
For Oklahomans (and DXers of Oklahoma sites), if you can copy any already-known sites that are in the DB or any new ones, please gather updated screenshots and post them. Control channels change frequently ; peer/neighbor lists are always changing as the system is being built out. For DSDPlus users, a fresh screenshot of sites you can copy (from 11-19-2020 or newer) would be nice.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
It would appear that Bartlesville just flipped over to P25 yesterday afternoon.
1F9 is the system ID and its showing as site 18.
Showing CC of 855.9125 and four talk channels.
I'll grab more info and submit it to the DB later today.

@b1tr41d Just a friendly reminder to submit that info when you get a chance.




Raider of bits
Jun 18, 2016
36°44'34.30"N, 95°56'9.45"W
Yes. Thank you for your patience. Just submitted what I've confirmed.
Unitrunker reported some weird entries with the voice channels.
Same frequencies different LCN's. (See attached screenshot)
Not sure if they are messing with the channels still or if Unitrunker isn't reporting correctly.2020-11-20 16_37_18- - Remote Desktop Connection.png


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
Same frequencies different LCN's. (See attached screenshot)
That's normal because it's a phase II system.
Look at the LCNs and band plans. Band plan 00 is for phase I and should only be on the control channels and alternate control channels.
If there are any phase I talkgroups they will also use 00 LCNs.
Band plan 08 is for the phase II voice channels. Each voice channel will have two consecutive LCNs that start with 08 for time slots 1 and 2.


Raider of bits
Jun 18, 2016
36°44'34.30"N, 95°56'9.45"W
That's normal because it's a phase II system.
Look at the LCNs and band plans. Band plan 00 is for phase I and should only be on the control channels and alternate control channels.
If there are any phase I talkgroups they will also use 00 LCNs.
Band plan 08 is for the phase II voice channels. Each voice channel will have two consecutive LCNs that start with 08 for time slots 1 and 2.

That makes sense.
Forgot this was a PII system.
I'll make another submission here shortly with the updated info.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Yes. Thank you for your patience. Just submitted what I've confirmed.
Unitrunker reported some weird entries with the voice channels.
Same frequencies different LCN's. (See attached screenshot)
Not sure if they are messing with the channels still or if Unitrunker isn't reporting correctly.View attachment 94331

Looks like somebody at AEP fat-fingered the freqs when they set them. IT is supposed to be 855.4375, not 854.5375. Hopefully they will fix it. I'm going to add 854.5375 though, since that's what it's currently broadcasting on the control channel.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Yes. Thank you for your patience. Just submitted what I've confirmed.
Unitrunker reported some weird entries with the voice channels.
Same frequencies different LCN's. (See attached screenshot)
Not sure if they are messing with the channels still or if Unitrunker isn't reporting correctly.View attachment 94331

Thank you. You don't happen to have the frequencies associated with the peers (11.11, 46.46, 48.48) that you provided in the submission, do you? I know that DSDPlus and Proscan will show the frequencies that are the current CCs of the peers/neighbors, but I don't know if Unitrunker shows the actual frequencies or just shows 0.0. If you were to look at the 1F9 system in Unitrunker, and then click on teh Channels tab, you could then scroll down until you found any frequencies showing for 1F9-11.11, and 1F9-46.46 (we already know 48). Can you check and see if the frequencies are available?

I have added this new site to the DB. Thanks again!
