There was an OT question in the "Digital Noise" thread about AGC. Since it really belongs here, I'm going to sneak in a slight rule break and cross post my answer to his question ("Is AGC improved?"), here:
AGC isn't changed much in the new platform. However, there are two main things causing audio to be so mismatched that AGC can't compensate, and we did address ways for you to improve things:
1) (and by far the most common) Conventional channels are incorrectly programmed as NFM (AUTO) when they should be programmed as FM. Programming them as NFM results in severe overmodulation (that you'll hear as audio up to 2X louder than it should be). This can be fixed by correctly programming the FM channels as FM. In the BCD396XT, we've added the ability for you to set the modulation default for each band, so if in your area most VHF/UHF is still FM, you can set it so that FM becomes the "AUTO" value. We've also added the ability to mix EDACS Wide control channels with EDACS Narrow voice channels (and vice versa).
2) Major variations in how personnel use their radios. For example, one city I listen to, most of the PD units use shoulder mics. Those officers tend to "talk past" their mics rather than into them, so their audio is quite low. FD personnel tend to speak directly into their radios, so their audio is where it should be. Short of chasing down every officer and reschooling them on proper radio protocol, which I would
not recommend
, there isn't much you can do to fix their signal. However, if some channels are consistently lower (or higher) than others you can set a volume offset for that channel so it will always be set up to 3 dB either higher or lower than the main volume setting.